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我最擅长的是鸟类学。I'm especially good at ornithology.

他主要对植物学和鸟类学感兴趣。His main interests are botany and ornithology.

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在鸟类学杂志报道的结果。The Journal of Ornithology reported the findings.

科学哲学对科学家的用处,就如鸟类学对鸟的用处。Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds.

鸟类鸣声是鸟类交流的“语言”,也是鸟类学研究的主要内容之一。Birds communicate by songs, and avian vocalization is a main aspect of ornithology.

现在康奈尔大学鸟类学实验室正在分析这些鸟在光柱中飞行时鸣叫声的录音。Recordings of flight calls inside the light columns are now being analyzed at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

但是和其他这个年龄的女人一样,纪宫坚持要继续她在东京以东的鸟类学会的兼职工作。But like other women her age, Nori insists she will keep her part-time job, at an ornithology institute east of Tokyo.

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一位鸟禽学教授从桥上走过时开口说道,「冬天竟会有燕子!」"What a remarkable phenomenon, " said the Professor of Ornithology as he was passing over the bridge. "A swallow in winter! "

至于打鸟,在我那背猎枪的最后几年里,我的借口是我在研究飞鸟学,我找的只是罕见或新奇之鸟。As for fowling, during the last years that I carried a gun my excuse was that I was studying ornithology , and sought only new or rare birds.

尽管环境听上去就如此残酷,它们仍然只在冰川中筑巢,在威尔逊鸟类学杂志2008年9月刊上这对父子这样写道。Despite these circumstances, they still nest exclusively on the glacier, the father and son report in the September 2008 issue of the Wilson Journal of Ornithology.

鸟人们常常计划参与观鸟节旅行以便看到更多的鸟,他们也可能会上一些摄影或者基础鸟类学的课程来帮助扩展他们的知识并让观鸟这个爱好更加有趣。Birders often plan travel to festivals to see more birds and they may take photography or basic ornithology classes to expand their knowledge and enjoyment of the hobby.

来自康奈尔鸟类实验室的托马斯。舒伦伯格指出,DNA研究结果反映出,鸟类学家就连鸟类族谱中一些比较大的分支结构都搞错了。DNA research shows that ornithologists botched the organization of even the larger branches on the avian family tree, said Thomas Schulenberg, of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.