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“尼西”是怎么进入尼斯湖的呢?How did Nessie get into Loch Nessie?

这个东西与有关尼斯湖水怪的描述一模一样。It`s just like the descriptions of Nessie.`

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尼斯湖水怪通常被认为是一种湖中的怪物。Nessie is usually categorized as a type of lake monster.

我们太思念尼斯了,远离她这么久着实让我感到痛苦!We missed Nessie so much and it hurt to be away form her.

爱德华和我回到福克斯时,我们简直等不及要去看看尼斯了!When Edward and I returned back to Forks, we couldn't wait to see Nessie.

一个英国诺丁汉郡地区的人发现奇怪物体,他认为可能是尼斯湖水怪。A Nottingham man discovered a strange object which he thinks could be Nessie.

每当我遇上寻找大脚或妮西的人时,就提出萨洛威的箴言。I employ Sulloway 's maxim every time I encounter Bigfoot hunters and Nessie seekers.

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爱德华呢喃着告诉我,他爱我和尼斯胜过这世界上他曾爱过的一切——或是未来即将出现的一切。Edward told me he loves Nessie and me more than anything he has ever loved, or will ever love.

在尼斯和我分享这些天雅各布他俩的新冒险时,艾美特也在迫不及待地和爱德华分享新一轮的棒球比分。Nessie updated us on her adventures with Jacob while Emmett interrupted to updated Edward on the baseball scores.

我们看过很多像蒙娜丽莎这样的“微笑”,比如尼斯湖水怪或者百慕大等等。We have seen much 'smile' like Monna Lisa's, such as Nessie or Bermuda Triangle and so on. Their aim is only to make a good business.

我仍为我们在福克斯的生活担心,我总怕人们开始怀疑我外貌的改变,或者发现了尼斯。I still worry about our life in Forks. I am perpetually afraid of people becoming suspicious of my new appearance, or discovering Nessie.

当然,平日的尼斯也是个花团锦簇的世界,建筑物的阳台上都装饰有美丽的鲜花,街头巷尾,几乎被鲜花淹没,恍似梦幻世界。Of course, ferial nessie is also a blooming world, building the balcony are decorated with beautiful flowers, streets and lanes, almost by flowers drowned, strings like dream world.