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啥是跳舞毯?What is dance pad?

这里有一张棉垫。Here's a cotton pad.

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我又拿起了笔记本。I took the pad again.

她在拍纸簿上信手画出一只小鸟。She doodled a bird on a pad.

这只狗的爪垫上扎了一根刺。The dog had a thorn in its pad.

在床头放一沓纸。Keep a pad of paper near your bed.

青蛙比睡莲叶子多。There are fewer frogs than lily pad.

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她看到了我毛衣上的印台。She sees the stamp pad on my sweater.

布套能轻松拆除和安装。The bed pad can be dismantled easily.

将纸板插入盘折边槽内。Insert paper pad into grooves of tray.

这是一个单身汉垫和发挥笔于一体。It's a bachelor pad and play pen in one.

有棉夹袄和人造毛夹袄。With cotton pad and artificial wool pad.

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将另一块纸板放在纸卡的上面。Place the second pad on top of partition.

每个学生都应有一枝铅笔和一本便条纸簿。Each student should have a pencil and pad.

我总是在电话旁放一叠便条纸。I always keep a pad of paper by the phone.

开始并不用自己买一个草图画板。Start by not buying yourself a sketch pad.

我忘记盖印台的盖子。I forget to close the top of the stamp pad.

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必须包含匹配的人造毛皮替换板。Must include matching faux fur changing pad.

费利克斯到天堂中的那片大睡莲浮叶上去了。Felix went to that great lily pad in the sky.

那支火箭从发射台腾空而起。The rocket lifted off from the launching pad.