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那已经不能比例了。It was getting out of proportion.

高迪对比例的感知很好。Gaudí also had a sense of proportion.

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你可以称之为性格特质细微比例的感觉。You can call it a sense of proportion.

幽默感是一种分寸感。A sense of humour is a sense of proportion.

你的房问设计的比例很均衡。Your room is designed with good proportion.

异体字在水文中占据很高的比例。The proportion of Variants in Shuiwen is high.

机组采用比例积分控制方式。Gensets adopt proportion integral control method.

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只有媒体才能在这块土地上吹熄谣言。And the media blew these rumors out of proportion.

拦网得分比重有逐渐上升的趋势。The proportion of block is seeing an upward trend.

那知道我为什么要大题小做吗?Well, you know what I'm blowing out of proportion?

比例还取决于对象的功能。Proportion also depends on functionality of object.

在座一定有人是恐惧症患者。Some proportion of people in this room have phobias.

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赎金必须相当于我们所遭受的损失。The ransom must proportion the losses we have borne.

现在的媒体报道似乎都失去了自己的准星儿。The media has seemingly lost all sense of proportion.

云发射的能量与其温度成正比。Clouds emit energy in proportion to their temperature.

并且,随着工作的减少,需要增加了。And, in proportion as labor diminishes, needs increase.

他的短腿和他的身长不成比例。His short legs were not in proportion to his long body.

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骆驼的力气与它的身体大小成比例。The camel possesses strength in proportion to its size.

2007年,牵引车在重卡产品中的比例达到了最高点。In 2007, the tractor in proportion to the card products.

它比例匀称,椭圆形的眼睛大而有神。It proportion of symmetry, oval-shaped eyes and big God.