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你会不顾一切地花费更多。You’ll spend more recklessly.

这三个是亲弟兄。Fifth brother is called Recklessly Rash.

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欧也妮大着胆子请父亲吃葡萄。Eugenie recklessly offered her father grapes.

过去反清教徒的言论未免过火。The anti-Puritan attack was recklessly over-stated.

空气中的冷意就这样肆意闯入了我的体内。The cold in the air means so recklessly into my body.

在一件事没有完全弄清楚以前,不要乱说。Don't talk recklessly before a matter ins't completely clear.

和女性比起来,男性驾车时要大胆一些,从而导致事故率也高。Men drive more recklessly and cause more accidents than women.

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他生活极之放荡,大肆挥霍钱财。He recklessly squandered his wealth by the most riotous living.

他在头上乱抓,好象要把头发也扯下来了,不顾一切地冲着我说。He scratched as if to tear his hair, and addressed me recklessly.

日方如继续恣意妄为,必将自食其果。Japan will reap as it has sown, if it continues to act recklessly.

真正聪明旳女人更应该懂得装糊涂。Really smart women should know how to install recklessly confused.

在这种时候,他仿佛跟钱有仇似的,拚命的乱花。At such times he seemed to bear money a grudge and spent it recklessly.

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地球正在报复人类对他的任意蹂躏!The earth is revenging on human beings for what they have done recklessly.

他是如此卤莽的闯过红灯,以至于被警察喝令把车停到路边。He was pulled over by the policeman when he broke the red light so recklessly.

生命利用无机物质世界,不顾一切地将其转化为有机物质。Life exploits the inorganic world, recklessly transforming it into the organic.

尽管是一个让人惊叹的诗人,他还是一个魔鬼、虐待狂、鲁莽而自私的人。Though a marvelous poet, he was also a monster, abusive and recklessly selfish.

那些开车鲁莽的人被称之为“马路杀手”。" Someone who drives recklessly is called a ma lu sha shou, meaning "road killer.

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哈,不祥预感者则说,但那是因为消费者不顾后果地超贷所致。Ah, say the doomsters , but that is because consumers are recklessly over-borrowing.

浑黄色的雨水在马路上肆意地流淌着,路灯映照下呈现出波光鳞鳞的波纹。Hun yellow rain on the road recklessly the flow, street maps showing a sparkling ripples.

这幅图描绘了一个古老的王府正在被无情地拆掉的场景。The picture depicts a scenario in which an ancient royal palace is being recklessly torn down.