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哥本哈根,斯堪的酒店。The Scandic hotel, Copenhagen.

波兹南,离哥本哈根还有多远?Poznan, how far from Copenhagen?

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这对于哥本哈根意味着什么?What does this mean for Copenhagen?

14岁,安徒生前往哥本哈根。At 14, Andersen traveled to Copenhagen.

我要一张到哥本哈根的往返票。I'd like a return ticket to Copenhagen.

上海和哥本哈根都是海港城市。Both Shanghai and Copenhagen are harbor cities.

她还经常到哥本哈根去玻尔家作客。She also often go to Copenhagen Jia Zuoke Bohr.

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艾凡在哥本哈根的青年旅社登记住房。Kathy and Evan check into the Copenhagen Hostel.

哥本哈根于1445年成为丹麦的首都。Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark in 1445.

并对哥本哈根协议仍然保持怀疑。And they remain skeptical of the Copenhagen Accord.

马克西米利安.冯.施佩一八六一年出生于哥本哈根。Maximilian von Spee was born in Copenhagen in 1861.

哥本哈根出了很多设计师和设计方面的东西。A lot of design stuff and designers from Copenhagen.

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这包括努力在哥本哈根取得成功。And that includes striving for success in Copenhagen.

因此,他在哥本哈根完成了初稿。And so, he finished the manuscript back in Copenhagen.

距离丹麦的哥本哈根比较近,在附近。close to Copenhagen in Denmark and there, around there.

哥本哈根将为绿色增长大开绿灯。Copenhagen will provide the green light for green growth.

他飞到哥本哈根,拜访了谢克特,拿到了那些录音带。He flew to Copenhagen to meet Schecter and get the tapes.

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还有,柏林也很酷,哥本哈根也很酷。And like, Berlin is really cool. Copenhagen is really cool.

在哥本哈根会议前德国能源巨头E。Before the Copenhagen meeting Wulf Bernotat, the boss of E.

瑞典南部的一座城市,隔欧伦逊海峡与哥本哈根相望。A city of southern Sweden on the Oresund opposite Copenhagen.