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这个孩子需要启发。This child needs enlightenment.

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这会提供某种启迪。This will give some enlightenment.

开悟会给我带来什么?"What did Enlightenment bring you"?

他的发言给我们一些启迪。His speech gave us some enlightenment.

噢,谢谢,这是林德给我的启迪Ah, thank you. Enlightenment from Lynda.

愿一切众生早日成佛!May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!

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启蒙的堡垒,到底发生了什么?Bastion of enlightenment what's going on?

悲苦之间,便有悟道的可能。Between grief, there enlightenment possible.

我的感觉不过是半熟的顿悟。What I'm feeling is premature enlightenment.

顿悟之后,劈柴担水。After enlightenment n chop wood, carry water.

报身帮助我们证悟。Sambhogakaya helps us to realize enlightenment.

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什么样的人才能开悟?"What kind of a person does Enlightenment produce"?

不要害怕因造诣深而产生的孤独感。Do not be afraid of the loneliness of enlightenment.

我祈祷所有的生命获得无上正等正觉。I pray that all will gain unsurpassed Enlightenment.

对许霆案的热议给了我们有益的启示。The heated discussion gives us useful enlightenment.

只有证悟解脱,才是究竟的依靠。Only realizing enlightenment is the ultimate reliance.

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你真正要亲悟入,叫证悟。You really have to pro-aware into, called enlightenment.

七年级的启蒙教育非常重要。Enlightenment education in grade seven is very important.

将心中的烦恼化除,当下就是菩提。To extinguish the vexations in our mind is enlightenment.