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不要用免洗杯。Don't use disposal cups.

垃圾处理真是赚钱金矿?。GoldRush in Garbage Disposal?

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这钱由我们自由支配使用。The money is at our own disposal.

所以说你在处理数据的时候可以用这些常数。So you have these at your disposal.

请即来电邮告知,该货物应如何处理。Please email us as to their disposal.

整个上午我听候你的吩咐。I'm at your disposal the whole morning.

污水处理站1000平方米。Water disposal plant 1000 square meters.

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你可以自由安排去市区的时间。You have to use the city at your disposal.

这些东西统归你们用。You have all these things at your disposal.

而大脑可以支配它自己的功能。The functions of the brain awake at its disposal.

我们将把1-92号箱的货交你方自行处理。We will leave the case No. 1-92 at your disposal.

但是我们发现了注射针的储备不当。But he improper injection needle disposal was found.

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凡因处分固定资产所获得之利益属之。Gain from disposal of property, plant and equipment.

并简略地阐明梁板结构的布置意图。And disposal view in beam-plate structure is clarified.

学生有个藏书丰富的图书馆,非常方便。Students have a well-stocked library at their disposal.

反正是我的错,我也跟你道歉了,你认打认罚吧。I ' m sorry and I'm really and I'll be at your disposal.

在“安全港"你有海盗听候你的吩咐。As in “Safe Haven” you have Vikings at your disposal now.

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第三部分是桂北平话处置标记研究。The third part is researched disposal tag of the Pinghua.

防止WEEE的安全处理所带来的污染。Prevention of pollution through the safe disposal of WEEE.

是退还贵公司或是听凭贵公司来处理?Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?