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小丑走向魔术师。Clowns go to Trickster.

他是伟大的招摇撞骗。He is the great trickster.

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小丑走向魔术师。Clowns go to the Trickster.

床破只是一个不诚实的骗子。He is just a dishonest trickster.

那个铂原子核就是如此这般的一个骗子。That platinum is such a trickster.

所有自进化者必须是像土狼一样高明的魔术师。Any self-evolver must be a coyote trickster.

面具中的白脸是狡诈的人。The white face in the mask is means for trickster.

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布什是二十一世纪版本的骗子和敌基督者吗?Is Bush the 21th century version of the trickster or the antichrist?

我们看到了只有洛基这骗子有本事逃脱代价。We have seen that only Loki the trickster manages to escape the fee.

不管是什么恶作剧,实施恶作剧的那个人一般以向被整蛊的人喊出“愚人节快乐”来结束恶作剧。Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"

这把剑的故事和一个叫做诡诈的托拜厄斯的人类盗贼的一生息息相关。The story of this blade is linked to the life of a Human thief known as Tobias the Trickster.

现在,我们因有耍诡计的传统来感谢杰克,因为他曾是这样的人。Now, we also have Jack to thank for the tradition of trick-or-treat, because he was such a trickster.

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朝中社报道称张为一个“卑鄙的政治野心家和骗子”和“人民中的渣滓。”The KCNA report called Jang a "despicable politicalcareerist and trickster" and "despicable human scum. "

她想原本的佐尔应该是他们两个人的组合,另外一个银河系中的骗子。She thought the original Zor must have been one mixed-up character, another trickster in a galaxy full of them.

细察一位作家是如何利用骗子引起矛盾冲突,挑战社会秩序或造成喜剧。Examine how one of these authors uses the trickster to develop conflicts, challenge social order, or create comedy.

相传在很久以前,烈火女神皮尔是捣蛋鬼莫埃-莫埃阿-奥利伊和大地母亲奥梅阿的女儿。A long time ago, the fire goddess Pierre is the daughter of trickster Mo Evans Essien Ollie and the earth mother Ameo.

更加纠结的是,这名骗子承认,他炒作此事是为了引起公众对这位母亲深陷困境的注意。A further twist was added when the trickster admitted to engineering the plot to raise attention to the mother's plight.

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他说不定和我们一样不吃天使,恶魔这一套,也许他会帮我们,你是认真的?和半仙结盟?。I mean, maybe he hates this "angels and demons" stuff like we do maybe he will help us You're serious? Ally with the trickster?

埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,图特或赫密斯魔术师和游戏大师运转这整个过程。The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion. It is run by I, Thoth or Hermes , the Trickster and Master of the Game.

源自于爱尔兰的民俗,故事是由一个名为杰克的恶名昭彰醉汉、骗子哄骗恶魔去爬一棵树开始。These originate from Irish folklore, the story goes that a notorious drunk and trickster named jack tricked the Devil into climbing a tree.