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纹身男不怀好意的朝我靠了过来。The tattooed man leans toward me ominously.

“听着,迈格莱格,”董事长开始说,语气中有不吉利的意思。“Listen, McGregor,” the chairman began ominously.

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他,在男孩之上的雕象不祥搅动了。As he did, the statue above the boy stirred ominously.

谁知道真人秀会变成什么样呢,"高曼担心地说。"Who knows what the show will turn into," Goldman says ominously.

贝拉盛气凌人,死死的盯住了他,高吊的双眉凶恶地皱在一起。The towering Bela's brows knit ominously as she glared down at him.

“你是在这里最先受到警告的,”他在博客上这样写道,让人顿生不祥之感。“You have been warned here first, ” he wrote ominously on his blog.

这个干瘦的老太婆伸出她褶皱的手指,带着凶兆落在死神这张牌上。The crone lifts her wrinkled finger and drops it ominously on the Death card.

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和反泛欧主义者甚至是民族主义者周旋会增加危险因素。They add ominously that this risks flirting with Euroscepticism, even nationalism.

义大利斯特龙博利岛的火山冒出不祥的烟雾,火山冒出的熔岩流到斯特龙博利岛附近海域。Steam rises ominously as flowing lava hits the sea off the Italian island of Stromboli.

到达训练室后,他们发现屋子是空的,但一扇边门正令人不安地前后晃动着。When they reached the training room, they found it empty but a small side door was swinging ominously.

垂死的花朵隐隐在一幅站着的小型自画像上方出现。The flowers simultaneously seem to be dead and loom ominously over a diminutive, standing self-portrait.

伊拉克目前有一个什叶派统治的政府,以及很多与伊朗关系友好的高级官员。Iraq now has a Shiite-dominated government and many senior officials who are ominously friendly with Iran.

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因而,预警性地威胁对中国进口商品征收新关税的国会议案当然会出现。Then, of course, there are those bills before Congress ominously threatening to put new tariffs on Chinese imports.

他们沉重的机身吱嘎作响,不祥地呻吟着行至足以攻击到城墙的位置。Their heavy apparatuses creaked and groaned ominously as they were positioned within striking distance of the walls.

对于北京来说很不利的是,人民币价值是乖张的美国政界一致认为应该改变的少数问题之一。Ominously for Beijing, the value of the RMB may be one of the few things the fractious American political class seems to agree on.

对他来说,不吉利的是,以前培养他的军事盟友们今天一个也没有到场。尤里科-古特雷斯被抛弃了。Ominously for him, none of his military allies who'd once nurtured him as a protege were here either. Eurico Guterres had been deserted.

为了解释这种情况,荷格兰德将社交媒体与早些年的“互联网泡沫”做了一番类比——貌似不大吉利的是,人们经常会把这二者进行类比。To explain the situation, Hougland turns to an analogy that has become ominously common when describing social media -- the dot-com bubble.

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美国国务卿契尔布赖特提到“执行”已快被淡忘的1995年美日汽车贸易协定“非常重要”,话中透露出不详的信息。U. S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright referred ominously to the importance of implementing a half-forgotten 1995 auto trade agreement.

当我们走近朗维尔,天空是昏暗不祥,并施放毒气后,后续我们认为我们会停止吃午饭,看看天气,我们在商店。As we approached Longview, the skies were darkening ominously , and after gassing up we thought we'd stop for lunch and see what the weather had in store for us.

他一想起那可怕的女人心里便发毛,那女人跟他谈话时老打毛线,老是一边动手指,一边不怀好意地望着他。He always remembered with fear and trembling , that that terrible woman had knitted when he talked with her , and had looked ominously at him as her fingers moved.