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慑人耸立转角处。Strikingly stand around the corner.

邬达克在上海的建筑具有明显的折衷主义。Hudec's Shanghai buildings are strikingly eclectic.

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华丽的服装使他那极其英俊的外貌更为出色。Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.

其它方面,日本仍然十分西化。In other ways, Japan is still strikingly Western-oriented.

我很少见过如此美得出奇的女人。Very rarely have I seen such a strikingly beautiful woman!

斑驴是一种极美丽的斑马变种。The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra.

双重人格在王国维身上有着鲜明的体现。Dual Personality manifests itself most strikingly in Wang Guowei.

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中国作为世界公民的记录俗套得惊人。China’s record as a citizen of the world is strikingly threadbare.

这个模式在危机中几乎没有给银行留下转圜的余地。The model left banks with strikingly few alternatives in a crisis.

这些人向他叙述的觉醒故事惊人地相似。The men have told him strikingly similar stories of disenchantment.

汤姆的状态显著与前天不同--安静、无力,像蜂蜜一样平静。Tom was strikingly different the next day--quiet, limp, calm like honey.

奥巴马的许多保守主义,甚至带有里根式的言论无不让人侧目。Much of Mr Obama’s rhetoric is strikingly conservative, even Reaganesque.

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这种自我厌恶的后果和自我讨厌的后果同样很可怕。These neurotic payoffs are strikingly similar to the rewards for self-hate.

朝鲜的韩服美得很有特色,中国女性会当做民族服装穿着。Korean hanbok is strikingly beautiful, and Chinese women enjoy it as a costume.

我不记得我是否见过比钱德勒夫妇更亲密的夫妻。I'm not sure I've ever met a more strikingly intimate couple than the Chandlers.

迄今,我们的政界对于这些繁杂的事实的表述已经变得明显的含糊其辞。Yet our politics has become strikingly coy about expressing these mottled truths.

五分钟,十分钟,一个小时,它将是妙趣横生且有知无畏的。For five minutes, ten minutes, an hour, it is gleefully fun, strikingly audacious.

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他个子很高,有着逼人的帅气,方下巴的脸庞,强壮的、如运动员般的体格。He was tall, with a strikingly handsome, square-jawed face and a strong athletic build.

只有在看到比自己穷困潦倒的人时,你才会惊觉到自己有多么幸福。Only when you see those poorer than you you will find how fortunate you are strikingly.

引人注意的相似的声音也来自江恩的咖啡期货分析图,六边形图,360度圆形图。Sounds strikingly similar to Gann's Coffee Rio, Hexagon, and 360 Degree Chcreative arts.