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他没有任何地方可以去了。He didn't have anyplace to go.

像我说的,他可能在别的什么地方。He could be anyplace else as I say.

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你今年准备去什么地方?Are you going to go to anyplace this year?

旅游今年你准备去什么地方吗?。Going places Are you going anyplace this year?

这款设计别致的旅游彩妆盒,是让您随时随地快速补妆的最佳选择。This specially-designed travel palette is ideal for quick touch-ups anytime, anyplace.

我来回穿梭于文本中毫无意义,因为我永远不会真正地理解它,是吗?I'm just going back and forth meaninglessly because I'm never going to get anyplace." Right?

她们可以到世界任何一个地方,可以学习了解任何她们想了解的事情。They can go anyplace in the world and they can learn about anything they want to learn about.

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但他在这本福音中是个很突出的人物,而且除了这本福音,他没在任何别的地方出现。But he's a strong character in this Gospel and he doesn't appear anyplace else but in this Gospel.

那么,为什么不能用既便宜又丰富,而且在其他领域还不怎么值钱的东西来代替呢?So why not replace it with something cheap and plentiful that has no practical value anyplace else?

不要边看电视边吃东西或是躺在床上或在任何其它地方吃,这样会让原本蛮不错的一餐饭变成无法让你饱足的零嘴。Don't eat in front of the TV or in bed or anyplace else where a decent meal turns into an unsatisfying snack.

他强调,“任何一家强生公司,都正竭尽所能确保这将不会再发生。”"We're doing everything we can anyplace in Johnson & Johnson to make sure this never happens again," he added.

从最近关于清水湾垃圾填埋区的争论上显而易见我们对垃圾的归置地商无定所。As from the recent debate about the Clearwater Bay landfill, it's obvious we don't have anyplace to put our garbage now.

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我深深感到父母有必要让子女做好准备,以便他们能够在这个复杂世界的任何地方生活。I feel strongly that parents have the task of preparing their children to be able to live anyplace in our complex world.

火星到了他的星盘,就没有关这个键啦,马上你就发现他可是随时都在状态中哦!With Mars in his sign, there's no "off" switch, and, as you'll soon discover, he's pretty much ready to go anytime, anyplace.

不同于其它航天器,它可以作为一个反引力器,利用太阳风的压力平衡太阳的引力,从而使飞船停留在太空中的任何地方。Unlike other spacecraft, it can act as an antigravity machine, using solar pressure to balance the Sun’s gravity and thus hover anyplace in space.

卡扎菲及其追随者将重点放在首都和卡扎菲家乡锡尔特上,这使这两个地方的过渡比其它任何地方都艰难。Their concentration there and in his hometown of Sirte is going to make the challenge of transition much greater there than anyplace else in Libya.

而且,我打赌,在他在地主的土地上挥舞着锄头时,他的父亲一定想象着有一天他的孩子能够克服艰难困苦走向新的天地。And, I’ll bet, as his hoe rang on the landlord’s clay, his Dad imagined a day when he’d hear his boy take step after crunching step toward anyplace but this field.

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宗教自由是宪法给予我们的保障,再者教会享受财产免税待遇,理应接受任何人的礼拜。The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and this, plus the fact that church property is tax exempt, ought to mean that anyone can go anyplace to worship.

泰姬酒店比其它任何地方都和印度的成功人士有关联,甚至到了现在,它还是有钱人见面、购物、吃饭和社交的地方。The Taj, more than anyplace else, was always associated with “making it” in India, where even now, it is still the place where the wealthy meet to shop and eat and socialize.

这些新奇的石材,突破了传统石材在厨房、卫生间、窗台等处装修的局限,几乎可以用在室内的任何地方。These new stone material, broke through the confine that traditional stone material is in the place such as kitchen, toilet, windowsill to decorate, can use almost indoors anyplace.