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那件是绿颜色以及黄色的。The one tht is green nd yellow.

施历时避开眼部唇部和口部。Keep wy from eyes, lips nd mouth.

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如许“哦”呀“癌呀有啥子用?。Wht's the use of ll this ohing nd hing?

是的,她给了我信心和信念。Yeh, she brought me confidence nd beef.

去看看大夫吧,我帮你告假。Go to the doctor nd I'll sk leve for you.

生活就是海,你就要做那位老人。The life is the se, nd you re tht old mn.

它也被广泛应用在化妆用品和食品行业中。It i lo widely ued in coetic nd food product.

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我用了半灰半白式的中灰渐变镜来暗化天空。I used a split grad ND filter to darken the sky.

上行。刀和针,蕾丝和麻布,香精葡萄酿成的酒。Up. Knives nd needles, lce nd linen, spice wine.

致以猛烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,新年快乐。Wrm greetings nd biggest wishes for the New Yer!

我所但愿的就是看你罪有应得。弑亲者在神人眼里都活该受诅咒。The gods re blind. nd men see only wht they wish.

我回到了我的朋友中间,他们都拥抱我并支持我。I returned to mny friends nd their hugs of support.

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她有她自己的事情,还有,她是我的前女友。She hs her own business, nd she is my ex-girlfriend.

TMDB型土豆输送泵,为单级、单吸,固液两相流卧式离心泵。TMDB type pump it is a centrifugal pump of single nd couple.

采用哈密顿型的本征解展开法求解之。The solution uses eigen-solutions of nD Hamilton dual system.

第二次宣教旅行时,有西拉和提摩太同工。For his 2 nd missionary journey, there was Silas, and later Timothy.

“金晶”牌浮法玻璃以极高的声誉荣获“中国名牌”产品称号。Jinjing float glass wins "famous bra nd of china" with highest fame.

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我母亲和兄长都曾在此地留下他们的脚印,现在我也来了。My brother and mother have stood on this Wall nd now I have as well.

他们规划至多再生一个孩子---当然要等待…并先攒钱再说。They pln to hve only one more child—but will wit nd sve money first.

对保罗来说,西拉是第二次宣教旅行的合适人选。It was a good fit for Paul's purpose in this 2 nd missionary journey.