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兰德尔?史蒂芬森没有时间疑虑。RANDALL STEPHENSON has no time for doubts.

蓝道和兄弟姊妹的感情一直都很好。Randall has always had a good relationship with his siblings.

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想想Brooks对,Randall,Jarrell的作品“第八空军“的分析Think of Brooks's analysis of Randall Jarrell's "Eighth Air Force."

如果要对最好的数据图表进行奖励,那么,兰德尔·门罗应该获此奖励。If there's a prize for best infographic, ever, then Randall Munroe has won.

兰道尔将球交到中路,瓦特将球敲给苏怒。Randall played the ball to a central Watt who knocked it left for Gilles Sunu.

如果兰德尔写信给布拉格抱怨你的行为,我会制止的。I had to restrain Randall from writing to Bragg complaining about your behaviour.

奥利维亚阿利森和詹娜竞争英格兰兰德尔在双人自由自选在Dr。Olivia Allison and Jenna Randall of England compete in the Duet Free Routine at the Dr.

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兰德尔站在那儿看着她,脸上带着一种厌恶的奇异神情。Randall stood looking at her with a singular expression of aversion on his listless face.

更重要的是,Randall她自己是一个科学家并且没有一点那种象牙塔的偏见。What's more, Randall herself is a scientist and not above a little inside-the-clubhouse bias.

汽车制造厂的退休工人蓝道.彼得森认为,如果有一种新型圣经,一定有人有兴趣。Randall Peterson, a retired auto worker, thinks there could be an interest for a new kind of Bible.

听到尝试的失败后,兰德尔博士向克里克的实验室主任劳伦斯布拉格打报告。Hearing of the failed attempt, Dr. Randall complained to Lawrence Bragg, the head of Crick’s laboratory.

但他的沮丧与纽约时报专栏作家兰达尔斯特罗斯导致一些,而幽默骂人。But his frustration with New York Times columnist Randall Stross led to some rather humorous name-calling.

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随着兰德尔拒绝帮助他,现在由他的圈养大猩猩布鲁斯特和寻找合适的捐赠者。With Randall refusing to help him, it falls to Brewster and his captive gorilla to find appropriate donors.

听到尝试的失败后,兰德尔博士向克里克的实验室主任劳伦斯布拉格打报告。Hearing of the failed attempt, Dr. Randall complained to Lawrence Bragg, the head of Crick's laboratory. Dr.

雷蒙德高斯林是威尔金斯的毕业研究生,兰德尔博士曾指定他和富兰克林博士一同研究DNA。Raymond Gosling was Dr. Wilkins’s graduate student whom Dr. Randall had reassigned to work on DNA with Dr. Franklin.

这场悲剧在兰德尔的心中印下了一个深深的烙印,强烈的内疚感使得他几乎快要放弃自己的营救职业。The tragedy in the heart of the seal Randall a deep imprint, strong guilt that he nearly gave up their rescue career.

经合组织的琼斯认为所有的这些政府帮助使中小企业更加没有效率,并有损企业竞争。Randall Jones of the OECD argues that all this help has made SMEs less, not more, efficient, and damaged competitiveness.

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运动员,也有生动描绘,亲自从史蒂夫杨乔蒙大拿州向兰德尔坎宁安和Ricky沃特斯。Players, too, are sketched vividly and personally-from Steve Young and Joe Montana to Randall Cunningham and Ricky Watters.

在这份最新的音频访谈中,Randall谈及了希格斯机制的优美之处以及粒子物理学的光明前途。In this recent audio interview, Randall talks about the beauty of the Higgs mechanism and the bright future of particle physics.

从德国一返回美国,兰德尔立刻开始播种野燕麦,把自己的全部精力都放在野燕麦上。When Randall reached America on his return from Germany, he immediately began to sow his wild oats, and gave his whole mind to it.