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什么是虹吸式咖啡壶?What is a Siphon Coffee Maker?

将发酵液虹吸入大玻璃瓶。Siphon the must into the carboy.

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虹吸酒入瓶子并且用软木塞塞好。Siphon the wine into the sizes and cork them.

大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了。The big clubs siphon off all the best players.

虹吸酒入瓶子并且用软木塞塞好。Siphon the wine into the bottles and cork them.

放开我的虹吸管,发条全身都是汽油!Get out the siphon. Clockwerk's full of gasoline!

整个国家机器就是一台吸金机器。The entire state machinery exists to siphon off cash.

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如果你汽油不够,可以从我的油箱里用虹吸管吸取一加仑。If you're short of petrol you can siphon off a gallon from my tank.

同时由虹吸式自记雨量计记录降雨量。The process of rainfall was recorded by siphon recording rain gauge.

如果你想提高灵魂虹吸的加成,投入一点也不错。Put one point in if you have it to improve the bonus from Soul Siphon.

1840年,英国海洋工程师纳贝尔发明了虹吸式咖啡加热器。In 1840, the British marine engineer invented Naber Siphon coffee heater.

虹吸存水弯和钟罩都是一体式的,没有缝隙或胶合处。Both the siphon trap and bell are one piece with no seams or glued joints.

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英国石油公司还有另外一个方案-从漏油的油井中用虹吸管把油抽走。BP has another plan-it might try to siphon oil away from the unchecked well.

虹吸溢洪道是一种增加溢洪道泄流能力的有效方法。The chute spillway of Xingfu Reservoir is transformed into a siphon spillway.

长江过江隧道采用了竖井式倒虹吸管的布置形式。The Changjiang rub-river tunnel is designed as inverted siphon with drop shaft.

巨型蛤蚌的虹吸管是被用来以过吸水的方式过滤并吸食经过的浮游生物。A giant clam's siphon is used to draw in water to filter and consume passing plankton.

今天,用管道从尼奥斯湖底抽取含有丰富二氧化碳的湖水。Today, pipes are used to siphon carbon dioxide-rich water from the bottom of Lake Nyos.

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英国石油公司表示今晚有望从墨西哥湾油井中用虹吸管把油抽走。BP says it expects to siphon oil from a gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico later tonight.

滹沱河倒虹吸管身混凝土浇筑属于大体积混凝土浇筑。Hutuo River's inverted siphon concrete placement belongs to big volume concrete placement.

提出了局部流态化虹吸卸料的新型砂仓。A new type of sand storage silo with local fluidization and siphon discharging is recommended.