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约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒生于1806年。John Stuart Mill was born in 1806.

斯图尔病了,所以换了我去。Stuart was ill, so I went instead.

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约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒是一个神童。He was a child protege, John Stuart Mill.

可是跟她在一起时斯图特总感到内心有愧,很不自在。But Stuart felt guilty and ill at ease with her.

皮尔斯的球队则在第一回合中2-1搞定对手!Stuart Pearce's side lead 2-1 from the first leg.

关于这点,约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒的名言如下。You find this famous passage from John Stuart Mill.

贾姆希从来没有读过约翰·斯图亚特·密尔或是艾恩·兰德的著作。Jamshed has never read John Stuart Mill or Ayn Rand.

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“吉姆说得对,但我不明白那究竟是为什么,”斯图尔特说。“Jeems is right. But I don’t see why, ” said Stuart.

斯图尔特Anstis在2003年首次证明这种幻想。Stuart Anstis first demonstrated this illusion in 2003.

“唔,明天准晴,还会像六月天那样炎热,”斯图尔特说。it’ll be clear tomorrow and hot as June, ” said Stuart.

斯图尔特不小心把话筒从支架上碰掉了。Stuart accidentally knocked the microphone off its perch.

对于中央台的电视节目杨林和斯图尔特怎么想?What do Yang Lin and Stuart think about these CCTV shows?

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我们只是和金戈、莎琪和斯图亚特.皮尔森他们切磋切磋。We did swapsies with Dringo and Sharkey and Stuart Pearson.

“唔,明天准晴,还会像六月天那样炎热,”斯图尔特说。"Oh, it'll be clear tomorrow and hot as June, " said Stuart.

分析人士罗滕伯格出现在美国之音面对新闻界节目。Analyst Stuart Rothenberg appeared on VOA's Encounter program.

我是这里新的外教老师,在此请让我大致介绍自己一下。Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Stuart Emmerson.

斯图尔特志心致志时,定能把钢琴弹好。Stuart can play the piano quite well when he puts his mind to it.

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斯图亚特就怯怯地问,“这里有烟花吗?”Stuart then meekly inquired, “Do you have any firecrackers here?”

而我的那些孙子、孙女们呢,没多久便开始叫他爷爷或斯图亚特爷爷了。My grandchildren were soon calling him Granddad or Granddad Stuart.

斯图尔特罗萨和埃德加米切尔是船员的其他成员。Stuart Roosa and Edgar Mitchell were the other members of the crew.