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我很不愿让你失望。I hate to disappoint you.

你太让我失望了,废柴!You disappoint me students!

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庆幸的是,本作并没有辜负众望。Thankfully it didn’t disappoint.

令人高兴的是,黛拉最后没有让她失望。Happily, Della did not disappoint her.

不负烈士,不辱使命!Do not disappoint martyrs, fulfill our mission!

这回黄帝没有让他失望。This time Yellow emperor didn't disappoint him.

如果科里纳离职,我会非常遗憾。If Collina should abandon, it would disappoint me.

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很抱歉使你失望,但我还是不能去。I am sorry to disappoint you, but I cannot go after all.

从预告片看,平托的表演是不会让我们失望的。From the looks of the trailer, she won’t disappoint here.

对不瑁起让你失望,但我毕竟不能来。I am sorry to disappoint you, but I can't come after all.

但是我怕自己会在床上令人失望,所以从未追求过她们。But I figured I'd disappoint in bed so I never pursued them.

为了不让观众失望,克尔科特同意了。Colcord agreed to do this so as not to disappoint the crowd.

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贝索斯总是提出很有价值的内容,和往常一样,他没有失望。Bezos is always great value and as usual he didn't disappoint.

他仍然是我们党最出色的演说家,他没有让人失望。He was still our party's best orator, and he didn't disappoint.

由于产能过剩,2010年的投资也将不乐观。Investment may also disappoint in 2010, because of overcapacity.

可是,你在我的同学当中说我的坏话。So you really disappoint me by bad-mouthing me among my classmates.

民众对她如此寄予厚望,她让他们失望简直是一定的了。With such hopes invested in her, she is almost bound to disappoint.

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然而,谢拉毕拿饰演的魅影或许令不少观众失望。However, Gerard Butler may disappoint many audiences as the Phantom.

但是中国决策者似乎让淘金者们失望了。But China’s policymakers seem determined to disappoint fortune-hunters.

军队需要他去效命而他不能使他们失望。The military had need of his services and he could not disappoint them.