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他的话让我有点儿恼火。His remarks irritated me a little.

旋转的鼓动者使他恼怒。The rotary agitator irritated him.

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这头牛被斗牛士激怒了。The bull was irritated by the matador.

杰瑞被汤姆的傲慢激怒了。Jerry was irritated by Tom's insolence.

我的皮肤很容易用腮红过敏。My skin gets really irritated by blush.

有些蚂蚁在受到刺激时会排出蚁酸。Some ants eject formic acid when irritated.

他剥洋葱的时候,被刺激得直流泪。He was irritated to tears when peeling onions.

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我听见她唱老调就很生气。I was irritated to hear her sing the same song.

他那专横的口气激怒了大家。His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.

他那专横的语气激怒了大家。His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.

从来不使用驱虫剂就被削减,伤口或皮肤烦恼。Never use repellents on cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.

孩子们不听父亲的话,这使得他大光其火。The child did not obey their father, which irritated him.

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他开会时的心不在焉让我相当火大。His absence of mind during the meeting quite irritated me.

儿子和儿媳妇为眼前的脏乱感到非常的恼火。The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.

然而这样却会引起堵塞毛孔或者是刺激皮肤。The heaviness can result in clogged pores or irritated skin.

那一晚,优等生一而再,再而三地激怒我。Wonder Girl irritated me again and again during the evening.

我开始咯咯地笑起来——而我丈夫被我惹得又急又气。I started giggling—and my husband became nervously irritated.

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然而,正是他的慎思笃行惹恼了民众。But it was his quiet thoughtfulness that most irritated people.

心情好烦。有没有解决心情坏心情的方法?。The mood is very irritated . Solve the method of mood bad mood?

他已经注意到许多妇女对别人直呼其名很气愤。He has noted that many women get irritated at being first-named.