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旱田是该区域的主要景观。Dry land is a main land- scape in this area.

我们所有人都知道,我们永远不能逃离现实。We all know that we can never scape the reality.

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我只祈祷他们没有利用他作为景观山羊。I just pray that they are not using him as a scape goat.

城市景观是由建筑及它们之间的空间共同构成的。Town scape is constituted of buildings and the spaces around them.

但是在温泉设计上仍然保留了简单的设计方法,比如室外浴室。But the design scape of the onsen remained simple, as an outdoor bath.

现代城市园林景观设计呈现出对文化的深切关注。Nowadays, people pay more attention to culture in urban land- scape design.

如月球概况般的火山石和艳蓝的承平洋组成强烈对比。一个由拍岸惊涛注满的海池。令人难以置信。A moon scape of lava rock contrasted against the brilliant blue of the Pacific Ocean.

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在鸟节区你可以看到有角色扮演的男男女女,特别是在SCAPE那一带。There're a lot of cosplay boys and girls if you walk around Orchard area, especially near SCAPE.

在这里,你可以尽情观赏日出的盛景,领略潮涨潮落的壮观景象。And here, you can view and admire the wonderful scape of sunrise and the vision of gallant flood!

凉爽的一件事季节景观的主题是,它改变了按你的位置和时间!The cool thing about the Seasonal Scape theme is that it changes according to your location and time!

这样做是为了更好地把地面上弄得看起来像是来自另一个星球的整个景观孔。This was done to better show the holes in the ground which made the whole scape look like from another planet.

郴州城北20公里,有一处名叫飞天山的风景旅游区。Feitian Mountain a provicial level holiday resort 20 Kms away from the urban city belongs to typical Danxian Land scape.

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决定花球大小和重量的主要形态解剖指标是——分球数目和分球中侧花茎的分化级数及其上具多级侧花茎的数目及其发育程度。The size and weight of the broccoli curd was determined by the number of branch curd and the differentiated orders of lateral scape.

2007年美国白蛾首次入侵济南市,对城市景观和生态安全构成严重威胁。Hyphantria cunea invaded Jinan for the first time in 2007, and has caused serious damage to city scape and ecological security of Jinan.

触角棕黄色,薄被灰色绒毛,柄节及第2节暗棕红,第3~10节各节末端黑褐色。Antennae yellowish brown thinly clothed with grey pubescence, scape and 2nd segments dark reddish brown, apex of 3rd to 10th segments pitchy.

重庆永川市茶竹文化具有历史悠久、自然景观优美等特色。The culture of tea and bamboo in Chongqing Yongchuan has an old and long history, which has beautiful land- scape and green dietetic culture.

然而,由于受栽培季节的严格限制,新鲜蒜薹和蒜头的供应期非常有限。However, because of the strict limit of the cultivated season, the period of supply of the fresh scape and bulb of garlic is extremely limited.

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在此基础之上,文章将他的规则同时期的理论家的规则进行比较,展现文艺复兴时期柱式研究的更为广阔的理论图景。On this basis, this paper compares principles of Vignola's with other authors' in the same period, in purpose of showing theoretical scape in Renaissance.

蒜苔采后由于物质再转运导致食用品质下降,对于此类模式果蔬的衰老机制至今尚不完全清除。Redistribution of cell in excised garlic scape lead to decline in eating quality, of such models of the aging mechanism of fruits and vegetables is unknown.

从农艺性状、种子含油量、菜苔氨基酸含量、食用安全性等方面,概述了诸葛菜的研究现状。The studied presence on its agricultural properties, oil content of seed, amino acid content of scape and edible security, etc. were summarized in this paper.