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他运球娴熟。He dribbles skillfully.

我会熟练地打算盘。I can use abacus skillfully.

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他熟练地驾车沿小路行驶。He tooled skillfully along the path.

这个公司的财务管理得很得法。The company was skillfully financed.

候选人巧妙地对大众施加影响。The candidate skillfully worked the huge crowd.

巧妙处理与政府的关系。Skillfully manage relationships with governments.

他说在节奏的变换中巧妙地穿插。he says, skillfully across the beat of the meter.

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人总是在巧妙地掩饰自己。People are always in skillfully varnished himself.

他沿着林中小路熟练地驾驶吉普车行进。He tooled the jeep skillfully along the jungle path.

交通工具故障相对的是熟练驾驶。The opposite of vehicle trouble is driving skillfully.

他很巧妙地避开了那个不受欢迎的问题。He skillfully parried the question with a clever reply.

如果进针熟练,你没有什么感觉。If the needles are inserted skillfully you feel nothing.

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胡学兵对于石膏的纯熟运用和他的祖先如出一辙。Hu Xuebing can use gypsum as skillfully as his ancestors.

他巧妙地把这些片断合并成连贯的整体。He skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole.

习惯是动作或思想的一种巧妙的常规化的方式。It is a skillfully routinized manner of action or thought.

你越是能够巧妙地休息和调整自己,你的能量就越多。The more skillfully you renew, the more energy you'll have.

熟练地进行周长和面积的计算。Calculate the perimeter and the area of a circle skillfully.

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她们掌握著乱针、平针、盘金等多种针法。They skillfully stitch at random , flatting or gold wire way.

而那条道路应该是创始人能够娴熟驾御的。That path should be one that founders can skillfully navigate.

改编者很熟练地将原小说改编成一部戏剧。This play has been skillfully adapted from the original novel.