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奈妲问。Naida asked.

医生,奈妲。Doctors, Naida.

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奈妲冷静下来。Naida grew calm.

晚安,奈妲”。Good night, Naida.

奈妲被逗乐了。Naida was delighted.

奈妲看入迷了。Naida was fascinated.

什么回忆,奈妲?What memories, Naida?

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“我知道”,奈妲说。“I know, ” Naida said.

奈妲严肃地看着她。Naida looked at her seriously.

奈妲全身心都放在了钥匙上。Naida was engrossed with the key.

“这是我的订婚戒指”,奈妲说。“It’s my engagement ring, ” Naida said.

“我明天21岁了”,奈妲不耐烦地重复了一遍。“I’m twenty-one tomorrow, ” Naida said again, impatiently.

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一曲终了,奈妲却说,“不,我不喜欢那首歌”。"No. I don't like that song, " Naida said, when "Walkin' My Baby Back Home" had finished.

一曲终了,奈妲却说,“不,我不喜欢那首歌”。“No. I don’t like that song, ” Naida said, when “Walkin’ My Baby Back Home” had finished.

车子刚离开医院,奈妲就转向她最喜爱的护士之一——艾格伍德护士,对她举起自己的左手。As soon as the car was clear of the hospital, Naida turned to Nurse Edgwood, who was one of her favorite nurses, and held out her left hand.

这搭、那搭、哪搭、兀搭“是陕西方言中最为常见的一组指示代词。As a group of the most common demonstrative pronouns in Shaanxi dialects, "Zheda", "Nada", "Naida", and "Wuda" have different written forms in modern Chinese.

工作人员是被禁止送礼物给病人的,但鉴于奈妲比较特殊——没有访客,没有信件,没有家,便为她破了例。The staff were forbidden to give presents to patients, but in Naida’s case—because Naida had no visitors and no letters and no other home—an exception could be made.

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奈妲突然把娃娃往上一甩,娃娃那双有着长长蓝睫毛的眼睛便喀喇一声睁开,风情万种地凝视着修女。Naida suddenly jerked her doll upright and the long-lashed blue eyes of the wax bride opened with a snapping sound, and stared, meltingly, coquettishly, at the sister.

奈妲身穿医院缝制的裙子和舍监买的两件套在等车,那业已发灰的头发上别着一个红蝴蝶结。Dressed in a skirt from the sewing room and a twinset that the matron had bought, and with a red ribbon threaded through her already graying hair, Naida waited for the car.