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家家都有有线电视。Everybody has cable.

我是一个电缆剪接器。I'm a cable splicer.

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锚链向后。Cable leading astern.

电线电缆回收机“,”Cable & Wire Retractor.

削减你的有线电视电缆。Cut back on your cable.

电力线已经很靠近了。The power cable is near.

你怎么不装有线电视?Why don't you get cable?

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缆索突然断裂。The cable suddenly parted.

线缆位置和标签。Cable locations and labels.

音频电缆?。VFC? Voice Frequency Cable?

那除了有线缆车,Other than using cable cars,

车间增加电缆井。Cable well added in workshop.

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我们到达时就打电报。We will cable when we arrive.

索道的终点站在山顶。The cable terminal at the top.

我需要一根线或者其他什么吗?Do I need a cable or any-thing?

锚链在船头直上直下。Cable round the bow up and down.

付款用电汇仍是邮汇?Is the payment by cable or mail?

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我的锚链是不涂焦油的。My anchor's cable is not tarred.

可以有电视,但是没有有线服务。They can have TVs, but no cable.

通过海底电缆拍电报到美国。Telegrams go to America by cable.