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没有自由,安全是压制性的。Without liberty, security is oppressive.

“我要出去散步,房间里太憋闷了”英文怎么说?I am going for a walk for the room is too oppressive.

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盖尔人是一个穷兵黩武,专横暴戾的贵族阶层。The gaels were a military and oppressive aristocracy.

该声明督促现当局停止法西斯的压迫统治。It urged the authorities to stop the fascist oppressive rule.

而后,他们通过压制性的法律和重负,喂养你们的恐惧。They then feed your fears through oppressive laws and impositions.

中国人民终有一天会雄起于其专制制度。Chinese people will one day rise up against their own oppressive regime.

另外科比还是联盟中最好的防守人之一,贴身防守非常具有压迫性。Bryant is the best one of the defense, defense is close-fitting oppressive.

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这个政府是自取灭亡。它对人民过分压制了。The government destroyed itself. It was excessively oppressive to its people.

在最不可能的地方种植,在这个严酷气候的中心。Planted in the most unlikely of places, in the heart of this oppressive climate.

连细娜这人也由咄咄逼人的实体褪成一个虚无缥缈的影子。Zeena herself, from an oppressive reality, had faded into an unsubstantial shade.

尤其严重的是,在英国人中间弥漫着一种阴郁的压抑情绪和失败主义思想。Worst of all, there is an oppressive air of gloom and defeatism among the British.

如果一个人的初恋沉闷且冗长,不知算不算奇怪。If one's first love is oppressive and Tediously long, I wonder it is strange or not.

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全球有那么多暴戾的专1制1政权都是穆斯林。It is sad that so many totally oppressive regimes around the world happen to be Muslim.

因为随意找来的,随机分配的典狱长们-,变得非常残暴。Because the wardens-- people off the street, randomly divided- were becoming so oppressive.

你真的要尽量地控制自己的感情,不要让他感到有压迫性。You just have to try really hard to not be so oppressive and controlling in your affections.

尽管如此,世行表示,疟疾所带来的负担仍然沉重,对此必须给予高度重视。Nonetheless, the Bank says the burden of malaria remains oppressive and needs more attention.

路易士说,“在所有不同类型的暴政中,一个为其受害者谋利益的暴政可能反而是最残酷的。Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.

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半年来,自从阿拉伯人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。HALF a year since the Arabs began to shake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy.

但是不平等不应当像当今在美国呈现的那样尖锐,残酷和两极化。But inequality does not have to be as harsh, oppressive and polarized as it is in America today.

为了躲避沙坨里咄咄逼人的紫外线照射,在强光下生存,多数植物又演变成灰白色以反射阳光。Some had turned gray to reflect and survive in the strong light and oppressive ultraviolet rays.