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文官治军、军队不干预内政的传统在宪法中得以体现。Thus the tradition of noninterference embodied in the Constitution.

我们互不干扰,从无怨言,从不争吵。Noninterference of our each other, from without complaint, never quarrel.

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我们的技术还可以扩展顺利地验证不及物动词不干涉。Our technique also can be extended to verify intransitive noninterference smoothly.

这是如何进化的,为什么是不干涉的普遍规律。That is how evolution works, and why there is the Universal law of noninterference.

“无为而治”是道家管理哲学的最高原则。Governing by Noninterference is the highest principle of Taoist philosophy of government.

这就需要互不干涉、互相尊重,这点很重要。This requires noninterference in each other, respect each other, this point is very important.

通过不干扰原理对模型的安全性进行了证明。Through the noninterference theory, it is proved that the model meets multilevel security policy.

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共处必需是任何国家都决不干涉别国的内部事务。Coexistence necessitates the total noninterference by any power in the internal affairs of another.

论文最后对汉初无为模式进行实证分析。The last part of the dissertation analyses the economic pattern of noninterference at the early Han dynasty.

现我司有广东、上海两家工厂,均独立运行互不干扰。Now our corporation possesses two factories located in Guangdong and Shanghai running independent noninterference.

但在当今世界,互不干涉内政原则受到了严重挑战。But in the world, the noninterference in each other's domestic affairs principle has received the serious challenge now.

东盟成员国在决策中采取共识方式,互不干涉,同时避免对抗。Decisionmaking among ASEAN member countries is characterized by consensus, noninterference and avoidance of confrontation.

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国家关系应该遵守一个原则,就是不要干涉别国的内政。In handling relations between countries, we should follow the principle of noninterference in each other's internal affairs.

孟加拉国不能容忍对不插手和不干涉别国内政原则的破坏。Bangladesh can not condone the violation of the principles of non-intervention and noninterference in the internal affairs of states.

互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不干涉内政是中美关系的根本原则。Bangladesh can not condone the violation of the principles of non-intervention and noninterference in the internal affairs of states.

我国古代传统文化中孔子和老子的“无为”管理思想使我们对班级管理有了一个新的思考角度。Chinese traditional " noninterference " management thought of the Laozi and Confucius provides a new angle for the management of classes.

国际关系新秩序的最主要的原则,应该是不干涉别国的内政,不干涉别国的社会制度。The key principle governing the new international order should be noninterference in other countries' internal affairs and social systems.

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各国应当在承认与尊重不干涉内政原则的基础上,促进国际人权的保护。All the countries should promote the international protection of human rights on the basis of noninterference in each other's internal affairs.

通过以ABLP与DBLP模型为实例进行分析,说明了该分析方法的实用性。To show practicability of the new noninterference model and the formal method, the security properties of ABLP and DBLP models are examined as examples.

在道家无为而治政治理念的指导下,与民休息政策的得以实践。With the guidance of Daoist political concept of governing by noninterference , the policy of giving the people peace and security is put into practice.