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在帮助大家的过程中,我的痛苦也减轻了。My grief was lessened as I helped the people.

但是这并没有削弱姚明效应的影响。Yet that has not lessened the Yao Ming Effect.

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推动再生能源的力道松懈了.The push toward renewable fuels has been lessened.

刺激症状随着重复暴露而减轻。Irritative symptoms lessened with repeated exposures.

然而,罗沃德的贫困,或者不如说艰辛,有所好转。BUT the privations , or rather the hardships, of Lowood lessened.

就如在鲁开德那样,这结论减轻了他的担忧。Just like in Roskilde, this conclusion lessened his apprehension.

运水困难减少了边疆人的饮水热情。Toting water lessened the frontiersman 's enthusiasm for drinking it.

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但这并未减少此区域对世界经济的依赖。But it has not lessened the region’s dependence on the global economy.

高内皮微静脉管壁内少见淋巴细胞穿越。The lymphocytes that got across the high endothelial venules lessened.

他也同样有暗处光线模糊的经历,但现在这种现象已逐步缓解。He, too, experienced blurry lights after dark but this has steadily lessened.

随着即兴演奏成为爵士的主流,大乐团的需求因而减少。As improvisation became more central to jazz, the need for large bands lessened.

隔离鼠在注利血平、电击后格斗行为明显减少。Shock-induced fighting behavior lessened ter reserpine injection upon isolated rats.

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通过预测变化的内容的效果,可以降低这些迭代的复杂程度。Many of these iterations can be lessened by anticipating the effects of changing content.

这个问题的影响程度可以在你签出一个包的时候通过使用独占锁来减轻。The impact of this can be lessened by using exclusive locks when you check out a package.

从而降低了理解这一抽象问题的难度。As a result, the difficulty in understanding this abstractive problem can be made lessened.

于是,减少了那些能减缓嫉羡的好的、满意的体验的机会。Opportunities are thus lessened for the good, satisfying experiences, which can mitigate envy.

我们已经做出了简单的宠物主人,并减少了机会,误用的产品。We've made it simpler for the pet owner, and lessened the opportunity to misapply the product.

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如果海滩涨潮和缓,海水冲刷上岸时水能就会减少。If the flow of the beaches is gentle, the water energy is lessened as it washes up along the shore.

他继续待在海伯里,这本是一件令人痛苦的事,可是等他一结了婚,那痛苦肯定会随之减少。The pain of his continued residence in Highbury, however, must certainly be lessened by his marriage.

然而,随著学生心智的逐渐成熟,音乐的使用也就越来越少,终至完全取消。However, as students mature, the use of music is gradually lessened and eventually curtailed altogether.