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你知道我能大步慢跑吗?。Do you know my lope?

野兔和家兔有何不同?。The hares and rabbits lope away.

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那鹿轻松地跳跃着去了。The deer went off at an easy lope.

和平问题已经解决,发展问题还没得到解决。There is lope for peace but the problem of development has not yet.

到了第二天,他们的驯马师就开始骑著牠走路了,快跑,小跑步。By the second day the colts are often being ridden at a walk, trot and lope.

为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑蕦嘛手的感觉是如此的不同?Why do the walk the trot and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider?

了解如何安全地在这个自由大步慢跑训练视频一马少训练有素的马匹。Learn how to safely lope a less trained horse in this free horse training video.

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他们说,她坚信她的儿子,会回来的,他们从来也没有放弃希望。They say she believes that her son will come back and they have never given up lope.

雨果会驮着自己的女儿在大广场街上跑来跑去,整条街都是她的领地。Hugo would lope along the Concourse with his daughter on his back—the entire boulevard her domain.

他们像狼一样大步慢跑进银行,攫取大把金钱并在面对大萧条中生活得奢侈挥霍。They lope like wolves into banks, snatch fistfuls of money and live large in the face of the Great Depression.

这样过了一段时间后,那只狼以轻快的步子跑开,明白地表示他要去某个地方,并让巴克明白也跟去。After some time of this the wolf started off at an easy lope in a manner that plainly showed he was going somewhere.

大多数澳大利亚人不愿开发他们所有的土地,他们想让很多的国土保持原样。Most Australians do not want to develop all their land in the lope of keeping the large area of the land in its original state.

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如果你把一个5岁的小孩放大到6.5英尺高,这个大小孩走起来就和这个体型的成年人一样。If you scaled a five-year-old up to be six-and-a-half feet tall, the giant child would lope along just like a similarly sized adult.

然后它沿着湖边行走寻找水中的鲑鱼,用一种欺骗性的轻松步履来掩盖它巨大的力量。Then it moved on, patrolling the water's edge for salmon with that deceptively easy lope that disguises the species' immense strength.

熊从树林中出现,凶巴巴地大步跑过后院,夜里的狼嗥能让人感到身上发麻。Bears emerge from the woods to lope menacingly across the backyard, and at night the howling of the coyotes can spread a tingle over the skin.

在我这样看着的时候,那个小个子女孩端着盘子站起来——盘子上的苏打水没有开封,苹果也没被咬过——用一种敏捷优雅的,只属于T型台的步子走起来。As I watched, the small girl rose with her tray — unopened soda, unbitten apple — and walked away with a quick, graceful lope that belonged on a runway.

中山诺普电器有限公司是一家主要从事特种空调及其生产设备研发,制造的中外合资企业。ZHONGSHAN LOPE ELECTRICAL LTD is mainly engaged in a special air-conditioning and energy-efficient product development and manufacturing of high-tech corporation.

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保护大猩猩的工作显然很有效,在登登发现的大猩猩的数量和密集程度和加蓬的洛佩国家公园和刚果的诺娃贝尔·多基国家公园几乎一样。Ape conservation efforts appear to be working, as the density of gorillas found in Deng Deng nearly equals that for Gabon's Lopé National Park and Congo's Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park.

保护大猩猩的工作显然很有效,在登登发现的大猩猩的数量和密集程度和加蓬的洛佩国家公园和刚果的诺娃贝尔·多基国家公园几乎一样。Ape conservation efforts appear to be working, as the density of gorillas found in Deng Deng nearly equals that for Gabon's Lopé National Park and Congo's Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park.