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巴比特付了款,有分寸地说。Babbitt paid his bill, said adequately.

马克的心脏病属于特发性扩大型心肌炎,已经无法为身体其他器官输送足够的血液。Mark's enlarged heart was failing to pump blood adequately.

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髌骨半脱位者充分松解髌骨外侧支持带。Releasing lateral retinaculum adequately for patellar subluxation.

我的简单定义是,正确,可维修,足够快。My brief definition is, correct, maintainable, and adequately fast.

村社制度不能恰当地解决这些问题。The communal system could not respond adequately to these problems.

建立良好的监测系统以确保食盐充分碘化a good monitoring system to make sure that salt is adequately iodized

如果母猪无法充分哺乳的垃圾,培养是必要的。If sows can't adequately suckle their litters, fostering is necessary.

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充分体现了“安闲空间,自我表现”的设计理念。Reflected adequately " free space, self-expression " design a concept.

曲轴因此必须要足够结实与耐磨。The crankshaft therefore must be adequately strong and wear-resistant.

仅基于消息计数是无法充分地管理网络的。You cannot adequately manage the network based only on message counts.

可以看管所有的事务,只有第三方,这里所指的是法律能够有充足的判断。Only a third party in this case law is capable of judging adequately.

适当保持低调是维护好的公众形象的窍门。To be adequately low-keyed is a tip to maintain good public impression.

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截至目前这个概念是不充分的研究肠内营养。Up to now this concept is not studied adequately for enteral nutrition.

这需要我们充分利用档案资料以揭示历史真相。We need to adequately utilize dossiers to open out the his tory lowdown.

然而,在微观层次上不能充分解决气候变化。Climate change, however, cannot be adequately addressed at the micro-scale.

他说,如果能在30分钟内实施科学的降温措施,大多数人都能转危为安。Most people survive if you can adequately cool them in 30 minutes, he says.

父母和监护人应确保儿童得到适当的保护。Parents and guardians should ensure that children are protected adequately.

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人类性取向的本原还未澄清。The origins of human sexual orientation have yet to be adequately explained.

只有为这些资产支付更高的市场价值,银行的资本才能再次充盈。Only by overpaying for the assets will the banks be adequately recapitalized.

经过认证的图书馆学院并没有好好为图书馆工作培养人才Accredited Library Schools Do Not Adequately Prepare Students for Library Work