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他有诵读困难症,还是一名大学退学生。He is dyslexic and a college dropout.

学童辍学率也很高。The school dropout rate also is high.

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女生辍学率下降了一半。The female dropout rate has fallen in half.

对于一个叛逆的高中生,辍学并非是坏事。Not bad for a rebellious high school dropout.

我以前不过是个辍不的人。但看看我现在!I was nothing but a dropout. But look at me now!

形容词,非常高的电流,低压差稳压器。Adj, Very high current, low dropout voltage regulator.

萨克拉门托州立小学称他是该校最著实的停门生。Sacramento State can call him their most famous dropout.

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她终归会后悔不该中途辍学。In the long haul, she'll regret having been a school dropout.

在盖茨的影响下,现在那些著名大学的辍学生,也有机会做想做的事情,这在以前是不可能的。Now the celebrated college dropout has time to indulge it as never before.

19岁的时候,他是一个有着科幻小说作家梦的高中辍学生。At 19, he was a high school dropout with dreams of writing science fiction.

爱因斯坦高中辍学,也没考上大学。Albert Einstein was a high school dropout and failed his university entrance exams.

造成这个问题的部分原因是,各州对"辍学"的定义各不相同。Part of the problem is that every state has had a different definition for dropout.

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三端子,额定电压,降负电压稳压器密封封装。Three Terminal, Fixed Voltage, Dropout Negative Voltage Regulator Hermetic Packages.

珍妮弗的双亲声明不赞同她和高中辍学生的恋情。Jennifer's parents have voiced disapproval of her relationship with a high school dropout.

而对我来说,哈佛校报称我为“哈佛历史上最成功的辍学生”,这也让我同样感到高兴。For my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson called me "Harvard's most successful dropout."

三端子,固定电压,低压差在密封的软件包的负电压稳压器。Three Terminal, Fixed Voltage, Low Dropout Negative Voltage Regulator In Hermetic Packages.

我们知道他过去可能和德鲁伊有关系——也许他就是个德鲁伊学校的辍学生。We know that he has some sort of druidic past—maybe he's some kind of Druid School dropout.

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至于我,我只能说很高兴克莱姆森把我叫做‘哈佛最成功的肄业生’。For my part, I'm just happy that Crimpson has called my "Harvard's most successful dropout."

史蒂夫•乔布斯在读大学时辍学,他被一名机械师和他做会计的妻子收养。Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant.

采用金相分析和扫描电镜分析方法,分析了钻杆接头喷焊耐磨带脱落原因。The causes of the wearable zone dropout were analyzed by the metallography analysis and SEM.