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要得到份好工作往往需要“搏一把”。Getting a good job often requires a bit of gamesmanship.

这是虐待狂式交谈伎俩的一次小演习。It's an exercise in sadistic conversational gamesmanship.

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至少,在小布什总统的第一届任期内,白宫把这种通过法案的游戏规则掌握的淋漓尽致。In its first term, at least, the Bush White House was a master of such legislative gamesmanship.

但是梅格森认为利物浦的巴西中场任用这种不君子的手段而导致比赛战绩的变化。But Megson believes the Reds' Brazilian midfielder was guilty of gamesmanship and claimed it changed the game.

奥巴马驳斥希拉里说,她的建议是个小圈套,他不可能同意当她的副总统候选人。Barack Obama dismissed as "gamesmanship" his rival Hillary Clinton's suggestion that he become her running mate.

希望美方摒弃冷战思维,不在香港搞政治上的小动作。Hope that the United States will abandon the Cold War mentality, not in Hongkong to engage in political gamesmanship.

大量的政策、闲谈、花招、时间浪费以及社交都已工作的名义存在。There is a vast amount of politics, gossip, gamesmanship , time wasting and socializing that goes on in the name of work.

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但这些无助于解决问题,因为这些政治游戏,这些人转过身来却将成千上万人的工作岗位置于风险之中。But it doesn’t help when those same folks turn around and risk losing hundreds of thousands of jobs just because of political gamesmanship.

在这场争论中,奥巴马总统,沉默了很长一段时间之后,起身说到,他不会再容忍任何的意识形态的小花招了。President Obama, silent for too long on this fight, emerged from the meeting to say that he would tolerate no more ideological gamesmanship.

我告诉你,我相信在这个房间里的,每个人,都有天赋通过这门课,因此这儿没有搅乱战术。As I told you, I believe that everybody that is in this room has the intellectual apparatus to pass this class, so there is no gamesmanship here.

我告诉你,我相信在这个房间里的,每个人,都有天赋通过这门课,因此这儿没有搅乱战术。As I told you, I believe that everybody that is in this room has the intellectual apparatus to pass this class, so there is no gamesmanship here.

有一些常识性的构想能让我们变得更富竞争力,而且不应受到寻常政治小动作的影响.There are some common-sense ideas that we can all embrace to make ourselves more competitive that should not be subject to the usual political gamesmanship.

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她喜欢在不同分辨率的图案之间玩透视游戏,这让她回想起那些关于错觉制造技巧和图像合成才干的经典问题。She likes the play of perspective among images of different resolutions, the way it echoes classical questions of illusionistic gamesmanship and compositional acumen.

鲍尔森因为在赛场上的小动作和不光彩的犯规而声名狼藉,但塞维利亚守门员摩根。德桑克蒂斯愿意为其担保。Poulsen is notorious for his consistent fouling and sneaky gamesmanship when marking talented opponents, but Sevilla goalkeeper Morgan De Sanctis is willing to vouch for him.

经济学家认为,放弃美元、采用新的主要储备货币可能会需要数十年时间,中国出此提议可能在相当程度上是在玩政治手法。A move away from the dollar as the main reserve currency would likely take decades, say economists, and China's proposal probably involved a fair amount of political gamesmanship.

这位21岁的球员在德国世界杯上由于小动作过多而收到了谴责,穆里尼奥相信他可以通过自己的行动来缓和现在的情况。The 21-year-old was at the centre of gamesmanship accusations at the World Cup in Germany, and the former Porto boss believes the player can help defuse the situation by his own conduct.