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站在粪堆上,公鸡也称王。A cock is bold on his dunghill.

公鸡只会在自家粪堆上显威。A cock is bold on his dunghill.

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粪堆上,公鸡叫得响。Every cock crows on its dunghill.

一只公鸡勇敢的站在自己的粪堆上。A cock is valiant on his dunghill.

公鸡总是在自己的粪堆上称雄。A cock is bold on his own dunghill.

公鸡总在自己的粪堆上逞能。Every cock crows on his own dunghill.

公鸡总是在自己的粪堆上啼叫。Every cock crows on his own dunghill.

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公鸡都在它自己的地盘上啼叫。Every cock crows on his own dunghill.

公鸡总是在自己粪堆上称雄。Every cock crows on its own dunghill.

公鸡在其粪堆上称雄。夜郎自大。A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.

公鸡都在它自己的地盘上逞英雄。Every cock is bold on his own dunghill.

自家粪堆上,公鸡叫得响。Every cock crows loud on his own dunghill.

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粪堆上的钻石仍然是珍贵的钻石。A diamond on a dunghill is a precious diamond still.

民族主义,是在自己的小天地里自鸣得意的雄鸡。Nationalism is a silly cock crow on it own dunghill.

公鸡总是在自己的粪堆上称雄。Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on its own dunghill.

母亲之爱绝非是恶臭粪坑般的世界所无法确定的东西。Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not.

顺着声音,野猫很快发现了在粪堆里的小鸟,并把它拖出来吃了。Following the voice, the wild cat quickly found the bird lying in the dunghill and pulled it out to eat.

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从北方堆肥试样中分离筛选得到1株中度耐热脂肪酶产生菌,编号为FS321。A moderate thermostable lipase producing strain FS321 was isolated from the dunghill soil in the northern of China.

那孩子得意洋洋地向父亲宣称,“我想马粪堆里一定还藏着一匹小马呢!”That child complacently declared to the father that, "I thought in the horse dunghill certainly also is hiding a pony!".

那牧师和怀孕的妻子仓皇起床逃遁,被蜜蜂追跑过庭院,最后躲到粪堆旁。The chaplain and his pregnant wife were driven from their bed, across the courtyard and eventually to the side of a dunghill.