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这个孝顺的女儿。The dutiful daughter.

首先,他必须是一位孝子。Firstly, he must be a dutiful son.

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他家教甚严,对长辈,他是一个孝子。In the eyes of seniors, he is a dutiful son.

但是如果你的父母亲憎厌你。But if you are still dutiful to parents who hate you.

麦格和裘像一对忠实的小鹳似地喂她们的母亲。Meg and Jo fed their mother like dutiful young storks.

但这幅画营造出一种安静祥和且各司其职的家庭生活。Rather, it conjures up a quiet and dutiful domesticity.

她对学生是尽心尽职的。She is really dutiful and responsible for her students.

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到底是真孝子,还是纯恶搞、求出位?It is true dutiful son after all, pure still evil do, beg piece?

这些在线漫画已经培育了一大群忠实的年轻读者。These online caricature had bred one swarm dutiful young reader.

伯莎最终会成为那种本分驯良的妻子。Bertha would eventually become the dutiful and submissive spouse.

拉蒙经营这里的生意,为我父母。他是个孝顺的儿子。Ramon runs the business here, for my parents. He's the dutiful son.

不要因为是小事就不禀告父母而自作主张去做,那就不合为人子女的道理了。If you act just as you please, then you've not been a dutiful child.

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她是当地有名的孝女,将二位老人照顾得很周到。She is a famous dutiful daughter who takes good care of her parents.

普查指导员和普查员应当身体健康、责任心强。General survey instructors and surveyors shall be healthy and dutiful.

假如我有一百万,我是个孝子,我要用来孝敬我的双亲。If I have one, I was a dutiful son , I would like to honor my parents.

1988年,这位孝顺的女儿返回缅甸伺候病榻上的母亲。In 1988 the dutiful Asian daughter went home to care for her ill mother.

国家媒体守本分的简短记录了这场灾难。The state media recorded the calamity in dutiful but sparing dispatches.

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我当一个孝子,既然他们选定了我做你的后代。And I as a dutiful son, as they choose that I shall BE descended from you.

然而,这位十足洋派的作家,同时却又是一个地地道道的孝子。However, the full Yangpai writer, while yet to be a thoroughly dutiful son.

应该说,对母亲,我是孝子,是离她最远的儿子。It should say that, for mother, I was dutiful son, the farthest son from her.