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狂犬病潜伏期过了,还有没有事?Hydrophobic preclinical passed, still have a thing?

临床或临床前样品分析批汇总表。Summary tables of analytical runs of clinical or preclinical samples.

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PPS紧密结合其它临床前的基础科学课程。PPS is closely integrated with other preclinical "basic science" courses.

在临床前研究中,巴多昔芬不会刺激子宫内膜。Bazedoxifene, in the preclinical work, protected against endometrial stimulation.

腮腺炎潜伏期会有咳嗽或者嗓子不舒服的症状吗?Does preclinical meeting have parotitis cough or the symptom with uncomfortable voice?

多个临床前研究显示唑来膦酸具有明确的抗肿瘤作用。Data from preclinical studies of zoledronic acid suggest its definite anti-tumor effect.

他补充说,这种疫苗还在临床前毒理学研究中被证明是安全的。He added that the vaccine had also demonstrated safety in preclinical toxicology studies.

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在临床前研究中此化合物已经显示出了显著的健康效益”曹春博士说。This compound has shown significant health benefits in preclinical studies, " Chao said."

临床前研究证实,多西他赛与紫杉醇无完全交叉耐药。It has no complete cross-resistance with paclitaxel according to preclinical study results.

该方法成功应用于帕拉米韦非临床和临床研究中。This method has been successfully applied to the preclinical and clinical research of peramivir.

临床或临床前样品的再处理应仅根据预先确定的SOP进行。Reintegration of a clinical or preclinical sample should be performed only under a predefined SOP.

PDT最近已经用于临床前期动物模型的脊柱转移瘤清除。PDT has recently been adapted to ablate metastatic tumors in the spine in preclinical animal models.

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在动物身上进行的临床前试验的结果鼓舞了研究人员,让他们有信心展开人体试验。Preclinical tests in animals encouraged the researchers to be confident about starting human trials.

临床或临床前样品的复测应仅根据预先确定的SOP进行。Repeat analysis of a clinical or preclinical sample should be performed only under a predefined SOP.

前期的临床实验在治疗创伤,大疱性表皮松解症和鱼鳞病上已经取得了进展。Preclinical progress has been achieved in the treatment of wounds, epidermolysis bullosa and ichthyosis.

希望新的临床前的阿尔茨海默病的文章所概述的研究主题可以纠正这个缺点。It is hoped that the research agenda outlined in the new preclinical Alzheimer's article will correct this deficit.

目的通过对特定穴位的热图分析,寻求疾病早期诊断的方法。Objective To find other method for early preclinical diagnosis through the analysis on special acupoint thermograph.

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PPS是安排在首先18个月临床前课程里每周的一个下午大约三个小时课时里。PPS meets for approximately three hours one afternoon per week throughout the first 18-month preclinical curriculum.

为该学科的实验教学改革提供些许参考。Our experience may provide some useful information for the reform of preclinical experimental class of Periodontology.

也提到了21个后继项目处于各不同临床开发阶段,另47个处于临床前阶段。It also says 21 further projects are at various stages of clinical development, with another 47 at the preclinical stage.