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蝴蝶和飞蛾保留着生物性转化的记忆。Butterfly and Moth hold the remembrance of biological transmutation.

它会首先牵动你们的内在恐惧,引起嬗变。It involves the transmutation of fear within you, first and foremost.

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鲁迅追求的是人性的嬗变,他渴望的是阿Q变成秋瑾。Lu Xun's pursuit of the transmutation of human nature, his desire to become Qiu Jin Ah Q.

士风嬗变对社会的作用既有有害的一面也有有益的一面。The transmutation of scholar morals has both negative and positive impact on the society.

殷墟卜辞中普遍存在兼类词现象,“雨”是典型的动名兼类词。Transmutation of the parts of speech existed general ly in oracle bone inscriptions of Yin Ruins.

这是一个误称,但弥尔顿作品标题的历史变化,对于我们来说是有教育性的。It's a misnomer, but the historical transmutation of Milton's title we have to take as instructive.

浅淡紫的音调帮助为人类普遍地锚定下一波超越。The tone of pale lavender assists in anchoring the next wave of transmutation for humanity at large.

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泛媒体时代出现的审美嬗变,与新媒介技术的影响紧密相关。The aesthetical transmutation of the pan-media era is closely associated with the new media technology.

“炼金术在当时就等同于化学,”Newman博士说,“而化学比单纯的元素转换有用多了。”“Alchemy was synonymous with chemistry,” said Dr. Newman, “and chemistry was much bigger than transmutation.

“炼金术曾经是化学的同义词”纽曼教授说,“并且化学的概念比元素变化更庞大。”“Alchemy was synonymous with chemistry,” said Dr. Newman, “and chemistry was much bigger than transmutation.”

它们由十二块翡翠绿玉片所组成,,通过炼金术变形产生的物质形成。They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.

精英的思维、表现方式体现在其风格的嬗变和最终的自我定位之中。The Ways of Thinking and Acting of elite was Embody in its own style transmutation and self-positioning ultimately.

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如同一位人体的工程师,这位艺术家将这些形象融汇成了一股能量和光影的河流。An architect of anatomy, the artist melds the shapes into a fusion of energy and a transmutation of light and shadow.

边墙锚杆在围岩的变形过程中,起到了较好的支承和约束作用。The sidewall rockbolts play an important role on support and restriction during the transmutation of surrounding rock.

第二章是全球化语境下传统文化符号中文化内涵的嬗变。The second chapter is on the transmutation of the cultural connotation of traditional cultural symbol in the global context.

在物质层上,螃蟹和龙虾是生物链底部王国,在海底帮助转换腐烂物质。In the physical, crabs and lobsters are bottom-feeding kingdoms that assist in the transmutation of decay upon the ocean floor.

因此那些看起来似乎不受欢迎的冲突经常是旧的为新的作准备的变形的结果。Therefore often what seems to be undesirable conflict is the result of the transmutation of the old in preparation for the new.

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意识是物质的,而因此融入另一水平的意识水平需要形体在生物上的变化。Consciousness is physical, and therefore embracing another level of awareness requires the biological transmutation of the form.

丧钟甲虫是一种巨甲虫的变种,在很久以前由于过度暴露于变形魔法和音波能量中而被扭曲。Knell beetle are an off-shoot of giant beetles that were long ago warped by overexposure to transmutation magic and sonic energy.

半金属摩擦材料与金属对偶的摩擦起源于接触区附近的表面形变和粘着。The friction between half metal friction materials and metals lies in the surface transmutation and adhesion in the contact area.