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我已经成了老光棍啦。I am already quite an old bachelor.

还是老样子,依然是光棍一根!In my old ways ,still be one bachelor.

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这是一个单身汉垫和发挥笔于一体。It's a bachelor pad and play pen in one.

瓦克斯纳开始思考,像单身汉一样思考。Wexner then began thinking—as a bachelor.

你在本科学历还是硕士学历?You are study for Bachelor or Master dee ?

她租了套单身公寓,安顿了下来。She rented a bachelor flat and settled down.

你在学习本科学历仍是硕士学历?You are study for Bachelor or Master degree?

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本科及以上学历,会计专业。Bachelor degree or above, major in accounting.

大家认为书生是个不错的结婚对象。Shusheng was regarded as an eligible bachelor.

单身汉的生活好于有一个懒散的妻子。Better a bachelor 's life than a slovenly wife.

我认为约翰打光棍的日子不会太久了。I think John's days as a bachelor are numbered.

航空相关专业本科或以上学历。Bachelor or above in the aviation-related field.

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吉林大学法律系法学学士。Bachelor of Law, Fudan University Faculty of Law.

书呆子单身汉在追求单身的抽象的科学家?Bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist?

本科学历,财务、计或经济专业。Bachelor degree in finance, statistics, economics.

性别不限,年龄30-45岁,本科以上学历。All genders, Age 30-45, a Bachelor degree or above.

他永远不会结婚,因为他过惯了单身生活。He'll never get married. He's a confirmed bachelor.

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你在复习大本技历还得硕士学历?You are not absorbing to Bachelor or Master degree?

这个单身汉修复了一炉烤坏的饼干吗?Did the bachelor botch a batch badly baked biscuits?

他说他刚才在布置一个单身汉派对的会场。He's just been setting up a bachelor party, he says.