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这只獚在狗展中展出。The spaniel is benched.

我一直想要一蹦蹦跳跳的狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

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我一直想要一条狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

我一直想要一只激飞狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

我一直想要一条长毛狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

我们决定养一条斯伯林格斯班尼犬。We decided on an English springer spaniel.

毛厚而长如丝的猎犬。A thickset spaniel with longish silky hair.

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我每星期都带我的科卡犬去美容呢。I take my cocker spaniel to be groomed once a week.

希望我们的可卡犬菲拉健康长寿。I hope our Cocker Spaniel Fila health and longevity.

我们认为它是借用小黄犬和爱尔兰塞特种猎犬的混种。We think he's part cocker spaniel and part Irish setter.

克伦伯猎鹬犬是一种长、矮、坚实的狗。The Clumber Spaniel is a gentle, loyal and affectionate dog.

那个男孩带着一条班尼犬,所以他们想到是你,他们一直在四周打听。The boy had a spaniel with him. That's how they know it was you.

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可卡是运动犬组中最小的。The cocker spaniel is the smallest member of the sporting group.

此时,兽医正在给我的13岁的斯普林格猎犬伊莎贝拉注射,让她安乐死。It is time for the vet to give my 13-year-old Springer Spaniel a lethal injection.

蛋糕的主角是他的黑白色可卡犬,还戴着一副他的眼镜。The cake featured his black and white Cocker Spaniel wearing a pair of his glasses

两只狗都已经去世了,但三年前他救了希芭一只布尔塔尼长耳垂毛狗。Both dogs have since died, but three years ago he rescued Sheba, a Brittany spaniel.

埃丽是一只年幼的骑士查理王猎犬,她几乎已完全失明。Ellie, a young cavalier King Charles spaniel in England, is almost completely blind.

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她开始她的演讲与“大多数人并不真正了解卡犬”。She began her lecture with "Most people don't really understand the Cocker Spaniel".

那只小猎狗听到动静,也从谷仓里跑出来,加入了追捕行动。The cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he ran out from the barn to join the chase.

那只猎獚趴在地板上,长长的耳朵耷拉在伸直的前腿上。The spaniel lay prone on the floor, his long ears draped over his extended front legs.