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仔细想想这层关系。Just ponder that for a moment.

西凤不解,和向南揣摩。West chicken, and ponder to the south.

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布丽奇特对这些事情没有进行过多考虑。Brigit didn't ponder on things too long.

经常性地在心中默想幸福,这是一个好习惯。It is a good habit on which to ponder often.

或许我们是想思量自己没有选择的那条路。Perhaps we want to ponder the road not taken.

这是野花及药草王国所沉思的东西。This the wildflowers and herb kingdoms ponder.

假定狐狸传教,公鸡便该沉思。When the fox preaches, the cock should ponder.

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但也不想刻意去思考某些东西。But does not want to ponder certain things desirably.

你们可以好好思考这是他的理论。And, you can ponder. So, this is the Aristotelian view.

我苦思冥想怎么才能缩小“鞋号”。Anxiously I ponder the ways I might reduce my shoe size.

大家都在考虑将烤火鸡作为周四的晚餐。A few turkey facts to ponder as dinner roasts on Thursday.

注意一下那些未知的部份并琢磨这些谜题。Give in to the unknown for a while and ponder the mystery.

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然后即开始琢磨着给页面增添色彩。Then started to ponder over more tinct to the page-layout.

退却的时侯,也一定要预先考虑好后退的方案。When about to withdraw, you must ponder the retreat route.

夫贵者,夜以继日,思虑善否。Men of distinction ponder over good and evil day and night.

我们很少坐在空无一物的屋子里去扑粉。It is rare that we choose to sit in an empty room and ponder.

是什么因素造成这种停滞不前的现象,这个问题值得我们深思。What caused this stagnancy is an issue for us to ponder over.

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当我思考这些问题时我想起了奥韦斯1984年的名著。I think of Orwell's classic, 1984, when I ponder these issues.

现在,当太阳在洞爷湖上落下的时候,有些事情值得深思。Now there is something to ponder as the sun sets on Lake Toya.

这是每一个站长都应该思考的问题。This is the problem that each stationmaster should ponder over.