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他是一个宇航员。He is a spaceman.

宇航员做运动。The spaceman plays sports.

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宇航员要到哪里去?Where is the spaceman going?

我希望长大以后当个宇航员。I wish I am a spaceman when I grow up!

一枚火箭把一名宇航员送入太空。A rocket blasted a spaceman into space.

太空人已在月球登陆。The spaceman has already landed on the moon.

伟大的宇航员斯皮夫被抓住了!The valiant Spaceman Spiff has been captured!

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在成为一名太空人前,他花了五年时间来训练。He spent five years training to become a spaceman.

这名宇航员将把中国的国旗插在月球上。The spaceman will put a flag of China on the moon.

所有的中国人都为我们的第一位太空人杨得伟感到骄傲。All Chinese are proud of our first spaceman Yang Liwei.

他就是那个第一个到月球上的宇航员。He was that very spaceman who was first been to the moon.

我的朋友一直梦想着长大后当一名宇航员。My friend is dreaming of being a spaceman when he grows up.

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宇航员将开着月球车到处考察月球。The spaceman will drive his moon car around to study the moon.

在西班牙萨拉曼卡市的一个远古大教堂里出现了令人不可思议的太空人浮雕。In the city of Salamanca, Spain, there is a mystical spaceman relief appearing unexpectedly in ancient times cathedral.

作为一个游戏玩家,他很关心人物的性格分类——是忍者、商人还是平民宇航员。As a gamer, he cares deeply about the difference between character classes—whether a ninja, merchant, or citizen spaceman.

他们昨晚一定激动得睡不着觉,因为昨天上午他们见到了中国的第一个太空人杨利伟。They must have been too excited to sleep last night, for they met with China's first spaceman Yang Liwei yesterday morning.

在西班牙萨拉曼卡市的一个远古大教堂里出现了令人不可思议的太空人浮雕。This is the Oenone Mas cathedral, constructed in 1102. It is carved with many animals and saints, among which there is a relief of a spaceman.

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无机客译查利·达顿曾经是地球派出的一名宇航员,他刚踏上安塔芮丝恒星的第二颗行星的土地,就犯下了一项极其严重的罪行。Charley Dalton, spaceman once of Earth, had within an hour of his landing on the second planet of the star Antares committed a most serious offense.

无机客译查利·达顿曾经是地球派出的一名宇航员,他刚踏上安塔芮丝恒星的第二颗行星的土地,就犯下了一项极其严重的罪行。Charley Dalton , spaceman once of Earth, had within an hour of his landing on the second planet of the star Antares committed a most serious offense.