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但是革命可能会是改革文字。It might, however, be reforming orthography.

总之,必须加上对拼法她的名字。A word must be added on the orthography of her name.

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美国和英国的语言很相似。American and English orthography are very much alike.

在我们讨论过的话题当中,有孟加拉语的拼字法。Among the subjects we discussed was Bengali orthography.

表示偶极还有一种方法,表示偶极。There is another orthography that is used to indicate dipole.

正字法是指一种语言的书写和拼写系统。The orthography is the written system and spelling of a language.

其中新界面和内置的拼写检查。Among them new interface and the built-in checking of orthography.

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以书面形式,必须有正式的话代表性,所谓正字法。In writing, words must have formal representation, called orthography.

拼写麻烦吗?语言,思想方式与德语拼法革新。Spelling Trouble? Language, Ideology and the Reform of German Orthography.

他们又依次地修改了一些拼写,加上了许多手写的元音。They in turn revised its orthography and added a number of written vowels.

视图是按正投影法即零件向投影面投影得到的图形。Orthography of the view is based on the projection plane projection parts are the graphics.

我们中的许多人找到英文拼写法很难掌握,因为我们的许多话文字拼写。Many of us find English orthography difficult to master because so many of our words are written phonetically.

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研究唐代正字法就能够了解唐代是如何进行文字规范工作的,这些都值得后人去学习和借鉴。To study Tang's orthography could help us know how to regulating, which to be worthy of learning and referring.

那么,如果一种拼字法中有数百个字符,或者更特殊一点,它们之间有很多组合,情况如何呢?So, what do you do when an orthography has hundreds of characters and additional special, contextual combinations?

恢复繁体字的主张夸大了繁、简体字间的差异。Advocates for reinstating traditional characters exaggerate the break of the simplified system from the traditional orthography.

介绍正词法基本规则的主要内容,提出词汇性大写的概念。Besides, the paper introduces the main concept of the basic rules in the Orthography and puts forward the concept of lexical capitalization.

前一世纪的哲斯塔斯子爵自诩是那坏强盗的后代,他如果见了这种写法,也许不大高兴吧。This orthography might have confounded the pretensions put forward in the last century by the Vicomte de Gestas, of a descent from the wicked thief.

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另外,从本研究的结果中可推测造字规则本身可能就符合审美规律,而这个假设有待进一步的研究予以证实。Moreover, this research could lead out a question that whether orthography fits the law of beauty. Then the answer of the question needs further studys.

统计分析表明,模拟文本中潜在的知识结构对模型汉字识别能力的发展以及汉字构形知识的获得具有潜在的影响。The analysis indicates that the implicit knowledge has a potential influence on the recognition ability and the acquisition of Chinese orthography of CRCC model.

本文首选的权威人士,它有印刷版,它的袖珍版在网上可以免费使用——虽然,它会被评论为过度吹嘘那些复杂的拼字法。This paper's preferred arbiter, in its print version, the pocket version is available free online – though, it must be said, boasting some rather confusing orthography.