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在这个点无法浓缩。You can't distill it at that point here.

他们不去浓缩提炼收集音乐的过程。They do not distill the music-gathering process.

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而多文件静态公共特征提取为其提供了方法。Distill of muti-files static common characters give a way of it.

许多公司提取鱼油,以帮助去除污染物。And many companies distill their oils to help remove contaminants.

本研究旨在找出可拓检测技术中关键可测物元的提取原理和方法。This study aims at the principle and method to distill KDM in EDT.

目的研究巢湖水有机提取物致突变性。Objective To study mutagenicity of organic distill from Chaohu lake.

我会试著在这学期的理论讨论中提出研究的精华。I will try to distill this research in the theory-discussion sessions.

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这是最好的过滤或蒸馏自己用水和使用金属或玻璃容器。It is best to filter or distill your own water and use metal or glass containers.

数字化色标是数字色彩的一种应用形式,在数字化色标中存在着析色、提色的问题。In the digital color batch, there exists the problem of color analysis, color distill.

白兰地是以葡萄或其他水果为原料经发酵、蒸馏而得的酒。Brandy is grapes or other fruits as raw materials by fermentation, and distill and wine.

而德里克都能奇迹般清楚明白地把他听到的每一个声音在钢琴上弹出来。Almost incredibly, Derek is able to distill the essence of all he hears into what he plays.

在安装期间,这种涂层应该用石油馏出物质作的溶剂加以清除。At inst all ation time, this co ating should be removed with a petroleum distill ate solvent.

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标题区给你表达观点的空间有限,迫使你必须提炼和阐明你的讯息。Having limited space to make your point really forces you to distill and clarify your message.

把这些想法转化成完美的产品和可行的市场,需要一段时间。It’s going to take a while to distill these ideas into the perfect product and a viable market.

这花费了我们大量的时间和精力将Flex的精华抽取出来,但对于结果我是非常满意的。It took a lot of effort to distill Flex down to the essentials, but I'm quite happy with the result.

下游资产通常包括炼油厂,即从原油中提取出不同的化工产品,比如汽油。Downstream assets include refineries, which distill crude into different chemicals, including gasoline.

Rosin的文章在我们的“思想列表”中牢牢的占据了一席之地,我们每年都会努力提炼出最能定义这一年的思想理念。Rosin’s piece anchors our Ideas List, our annual effort to distill the ideas that most define the year.

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只有在成年人真正了解孩子的时候才能有个体成长,并能帮助他们领会自我的精萃。The maturity of the self develops when adults can really know kids, and help them distill who they are.

这种光子级联四波混频过程产生了紫外和可见的纠缠彩虹对。We could distill multiple entangled photon pairs from the entangled rainbows with different wavelength.

他们和一群热心的助手及志愿者包括当地的酒保在晚上和周末制酒。They distill at night and on weekends, with a staff of eager helpers and volunteers including local bartenders.