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凤凰是神话中的一种鸟。The phoenix is a mythical bird.

戈耳戈蛇发女妖是神话中的怪物。The gorgon was a mythical creature.

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对于从瓜达拉哈拉来的小孩来说,地铁是非常神秘的一个地方。For a guy from Guadalajara, the subway is mythical.

我们将神话般的世界经济置于我们自身经济之前。We put a mythical world economy before our own economy.

亚特兰蒂斯岛上的一个内凹形海湾,被描绘得如同神话一般。Illustration of a cove on the mythical island of Atlantis

真的可以说是幼儿园是围绕着这棵奇迹之树而建立的。It’s truly a mythical tree to build a kindergarten around!

猫头鹰是神话女神莉莉丝的代表。The owl is representative of the mythical goddess, Lilith.

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在英国崩溃传说中,孩童们位于极度危险之中。In mythical broken Britain, children are especially at risk.

远古的神话传说通常被用来介绍天珠的起源。Mythical stories are usually told to explain the origin of dzi.

关于君山的起源,有一个神话般的故事。With regard to the origin of Junshan, there is a mythical story.

翱翔在秋季夜空中的是神话中的飞马星座。Flying high in the autumn sky is the mythical winged horse Pegasus.

一课神奇的树,一只金色的雄鸡和其它一些宝物。Such as a magical tree, a golden rooster, and other mythical items.

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在这片土地上,宗教性的组织和神秘的故事俯首皆是。This is a land dense with sacred associations and mythical stories.

郭尔王是传说中的爱尔兰统治者,他在战斗激烈时发疯了。King Goll is a mythical Irish ruler who goes mad in the heat of battle.

郭尔王是传说中的爱尔兰统治者,他在战斗激烈时发疯了。King Goll is a mythical Irish ruler who goes mad in the heat of battle.

瓦克斯曼的书中最神秘的一个作品是他所构想的一种动态建筑结构。The most mythical project in his book is his study of a dynamic structure.

这个神话人形象与人类精神发展的早期自我形象相吻合。This mythical image tallies with the self-image of the early human spirit.

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他们结合后生下艾尼阿斯,他是神话中说的罗马人的祖先。From this union was born Aeneas, the mythical ancestor of the Roman people.

千里马球队获胜的希望就像他的名字一样遥不可及。Chollima's chances of winning might be as mythical as the horse of their name.

这只“千里马”获胜的机会同样如同其马名一样令人倍感神秘。Chollima's chances of winning might be as mythical as the horse of their name.