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当浮空平台摇摆幅度较大时,地标上的某些信标点可能会偏出视场。Sometimes, the platform may shake acutely, and the beaconing can leave the eyeshot of CCD.

为此,唐格视界提供品牌战略系统化服务起到了肯定性的作用。To this end, Tanger Eyeshot plays a positive roal in providing brand strategy systematic services.

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但由于历史和现实的种种原因,一直没有进入“文化”的视野和“知识”的体系。But because of history and reality, YongKangGuCi never enters the culture eyeshot and knowledge system.

并有助于拓宽设计者的视野、活跃设计者的思维,提高设计的效率。These can expand deviser's eyeshot and active devisers's thought and increase the efficiency of design.

综合性学习渗透于语文学科之中,同时又超越语文学科的视阈。Integrated learning not only infiltrates language subject, but also surpasses the eyeshot of Chinese subject.

作为一种理论方法,表演理论开辟了民间口头叙事研究的新视野。As a kind of theory and measure, the theory of Performance is opening a new eyeshot in oral narrative studies.

全封闭流线型驾驶室,视野宽阔,为驾驶员提供了良好的工作环境。The closed streamlined cab supplies wide eyeshot and ensures comfort and convenience for operating and driving.

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学会欣赏他人能使你的视野变得开阔,而学会欣赏自己能使你的生活充满乐趣。Learn how to appreciate others can make your eyeshot widen, and appreciate yourselves will make your life be fillde with fun.

当我陷入个人电脑神奇的世界沉思时,互联网正用令人惊异的步伐闯入我的视野。While I immersed myself in the wonder world of personal computer, internet was in bursting into my eyeshot with its amazing pace.

最后,从叙述视角、“人”的思维模式、人物关系的设置、意境的营造等方面,探讨张抗抗的审美特征。Lastly from eyeshot and thinking module of person and setting of person's combination and artistic conception to discuss her taste style.

也是充分发挥唐格视界团队与资源的整合,为客户提供整合化系统服务的过程。It also an overall integration interfaces the Tanger Eyeshot team with resources providing the integrated system service for the customer.

他以重塑的前见结构为核心建构出一个崭新的视域,这种视域融合的过程就是理解的本质。He took the reshaped foreseeing configuration as the core, established a fire-new eyeshot, and the combined process of this eyeshot is the essence of comprehension.

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提出了一种基于星表数据的建模和仿真方法,模拟在任意观测时刻、任意观测地点观测到的星空背景。Followed, based on the IR catalogue data, an approach for modelling the celestial background observed in any time, on any eyeshot and at any visual angel, is presented.

在当今社会生活中,新闻媒体关注的领域越来越广泛,当审判活动进入媒体视野中时,就产生了“媒体报道审判新闻”的现象。In today's society, the media pays attention to more and more domain. It brings a phenomenon that media reports judicial news when the judgment comes into the eyeshot of media.

高职教育的快速发展,要求以大职业教育观的视野审视高职教育资源。With the rapid grow of the higher professional education, the eyeshot of the great professional education concept is needed to survey the resources of higher vocational education.

这个全新的视界为我们反观人类中心主义自身,反思人类的地位,警醒人类的狭隘与自私打开了一扇窗。This novel eyeshot breaks open a window for us to reflect the anthropocentricity , to reconsider the status of man, and to arouse vigilance to the narrowness and selfishness of humans.

图像拼接解决的问题一般是通过对齐一系列空间重叠的图像,构造一个无缝的、高清晰的图像,它具有比单个图像更高的分辨率和更大的视野。Image mosaic deal the problem how to create a seamless and high quality image which has high resolution and big eyeshot compared with a single image through registry a series of overlap image.

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在这些时刻,你可以假装回顾历史,在1898很久之前,直到1609年以后,那时萨缪尔·德·山普伦涉足于此。At such moments it's possible to pretend you're looking straight back into history, well past 1898, if not quite so far as 1609, when Samuel de Champlain came within eyeshot of these mountains.