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这护身符我要了。Dibs on the amulet.

我要穿红色紧身衣!Dibs on the red tights!

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我早就说过这些蘑菇归我。I called dibs on these mushroom.

因为啤酒是我买的,所以最后一瓶我有权利喝掉。I paid for the beer so i call dibs on the last bottle.

啤酒是我买单,所以我可以喝掉最后一瓶。I paid for the beer, So I call dibs on the last bottle.

我花钱买的酒,因此我有权喝最后一瓶酒。I paid for the beers so I call dibs on the last bottle.

是我花钱买的酒,所以我有权喝最后一瓶。I paid for the beers so I call dibs on the last bottle.

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我很高兴鲍勃能让我第一个听他的立体声音响。I'm really glad that Bob gave me first dibs on his stereo.

作为医院里的最新的成员,我被排在了轮换的最后一位。As the newest member of the group, I got last dibs on shifts.

我坐在后排晕车,我有权要求坐在前面。I get carsick in the back seat so I call dibs on the front seat.

我叫了土豆泥了。珍妮,你的信全堆这儿呢。I call Dibs on mashed potatoes. Hey. Jen, your mail's been piling up here.

对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。您没有零钱吗?Sorry, I'm afraid I can't give change the banknote of 10 pounds, don't you have dibs?

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谁先跑到球桌并喊出“我的”就可以选择他从哪边开始比赛。Whoever gets to the table first and calls " dibs " chooses which side he will start from.

使用DIBS交易更为严格的定义就是IB不能超越前一根蜡烛的高低点,但可以有相同的高点或低点。A stricter definition for trading the DIBS Method is that an IB cannot exceed the bounds of the previous bar.

按照惯例,获得议席最多的政党有组建政府的优先权。By tradition the party that comes out ahead has first dibs at forming a government. Either way, this could be messy.

机构交易者赚取很少的利润,是为了在市场中保持活跃,这样才能在客户生意方面赚钱。Institutional traders accept paper-thin returns to maintain a presence in the market, which gives them first dibs on lucrative customer business.

那天早晨,气温较低,还下着雨,但天气丝毫没有影响购物者的热情。她们无所畏惧,倾箱倒箧,决心过一把抢购名牌瘾。It was a cold and rainy morning, but the weather didn't dampen the enthusiasms of the fearless shoppers determined to get dibs on the new merchandise.

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如今,很多医生认为这样的选择是明智的,并且认为,如果甲型流感疫苗在秋天如期上市,孕妇应该是第一批接受注射的人群。Today, many doctors say that's the right move and argue that pregnant women should be given first dibs if a swine flu vaccine becomes available as expected this fall.

母乳是宝宝们人生的第一笔财富,因为母乳可以给宝宝们很多益处——包括防御坏死性小肠结肠炎,这是一种严重的倡导紊乱疾病。Premature babies get first dibs on the milk because human milk gives them a host of benefits — including protection against necrotizing enterocolitis, a serious intestinal disorder.

结论思密达加铁苋综合保健疗法治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征疗效肯定,不良反应少,有临床应用价值。Conclusion The therapeutic effect of Smecta combined with Tiexian and health protection treatment on DIBS is definite and with less adverse reaction, so it is worth using in in clinic.