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他不会屈尊去做任何不名誉的事情。He would not stoop to do anything dishonorable.

他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。He is ashamed for his former dishonorable action.

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非荣誉击杀在新的系统中有什么后果?How will dishonorable kills factor in to the new honor system?

你不能否认汤姆是个游手好闲、一钱不值、放荡无耻的坏蛋。You can't deny that tom has been an idle worthless dissolute and dishonorable rogue.

他为帝国主义贸易公司工作,用各种不光彩的手段奴役殖民地人民。He works for colonialist trading company and slaves the native people in many dishonorable ways.

对这些罪行他将面临军籍,没收的工资,最多32年监禁。For those crimes he faces dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of pay, and up to 32 years in prison.

我已经杀了她们,这样我就可以不用再忍受她们无耻行为所带来的耻辱。I have killed them so that I would not have to suffer the humiliation of their dishonorable actions.

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我们的国家承担了艰巨的责任,轻言废弃将有损美国的荣誉。Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfill and would be dishonorable to abandon.

这些学员是一组未经批准的、指导那些有不光采行为学员的学员干部。These cadets were an unsanctioned group who policed the Corps of Cadets who committed dishonorable acts.

你不让我去做任何有损名誉的事,但是你却以结婚的方式把自己卖给一个你不爱的男人。You wouldn't let me do anything dishonorable yet you'd sell yourself in marriage to man you didn't love.

很多事情其实本可以体面地接受,而一旦诉诸法律则未免遭人侧目。Moreover many things may be accepted honorably enough which it would be dishonorable to sue for in court.

比如说,一般认为辞职是一件不光彩的事情,即使这个工作你才做了很短的时间。For example, it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time.

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我觉得敢于承认不光彩的事情是可敬的,大卫递交辞呈后,这件事应该可以就此打住了。I think some dishonorable things were done and the honorable thing has to be to resign and not to go forward.

这是一个很不光彩的商业交易,李先生已经离开与我公司纠缠于丽鱼,打开。It is a very dishonorable business transaction that Mr. Lee has left open with my company, Tangled Up In Cichlids.

美国人对墨西哥湾灾难的反应,完全是对上帝和这个母亲星球彻底的耻辱。American's response to the Gulf of Mexico disaster was nothing less than completely dishonorable to God and the mother planet.

你祖先的事件已导致了一个特殊的关联方式,彼此之间及与地球之间以无尊重的方式发生着关系。The circumstances of one's ancestry have caused a particular manner of relating to one another and relating to earth in a dishonorable maner.

所以你刚开始当建议我留心民众关于正义与非正义,好与邪恶,光荣与不光荣的见解时就犯了错误。And therefore you begin in error when you suggest that we should regard the opinion of the many about just and unjust, good and evil, honorable and dishonorable.

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人们普遍认为身体的背叛是对一段亲密关系极大的伤害,却依旧有许多人对此趋之若鹜。Sexual infidelity is widely regarded as one of the most dishonorable assaults against the sanctity of an intimate relationship. Yet, we all seem to be mesmerized by it.

截图截掉了尼泊尔警察,只看见喇嘛的痛苦,而说成是发生在中国的事情,其卑劣行径让人唾弃。The truncation chart truncation has fallen Nepalese police, only sees Lama's pain, but talks into is occurs in China's matter, its dishonorable conduct lets the human spurn.

两个提案都要求改变打击报复举报犯罪的受害人的做法,和仅对确定犯有性侵罪行的人处以不名誉退役的处罚的做法。Both approaches embrace changes that would address common retaliation against survivors of assault who report crimes as well as requiring a dishonorable discharge for those convicted of sex crimes.