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他们把船开到滩上去了。They ran the ship aground.

是的,搁浅在硬底质上。Yes, aground on rocky bottom.

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希腊纵帆船在西班牙搁浅了。The Greek schooner ran aground off Spain.

这艘油轮在一个沙洲上搁浅了。The oil tanker ran aground on a sandbank.

他们修建一座新图书馆的计划遇到了意想不到的挫折。Their plans for building a new library have run aground.

许多船只在河口的沙堤搁浅。Many boats have run aground on the sandbar at the river mouth.

事实上,近年来确实有数艘客轮在那里搁浅。Indeed, several passenger ships have run aground in recent years.

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船搁浅在水深本应为35英尺的地方。The ship ran aground where there should have been a depth of 35ft.

他们到底在船只搁浅时心里在想些什么?What on earth did they think was going on when the ship went aground?

伍德尔被告之——“埃克森瓦尔迪兹号”在阿拉斯加东南部布莱礁搁浅,造成大量原油泄漏。The Exxon Valdez had run aground on the Bligh Reef, and was leaking oil.

上搁浅之前,他们在划船比赛中一直是领先的。They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank.

这就像是一艘搁浅在北京的美国式消费油轮。It looks like a supertanker of American consumerism has run aground in the city.

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国家海军皇家港号搁浅时损坏珊瑚礁则是另一个例子。The Navy is another target, for coral wrecked when the U.S.S. Port Royal ran aground.

最近,油轮“洁西卡”在群岛附近的搁浅带来了另一个威胁。Recently, there was another threat when the tanker Jessica ran aground near the islands.

所以,组成新政府的谈判由于利益分配问题而总是搁浅。Negotiations to form a new government have all run aground on the issue of who gets what.

对于美国最大的小型企业信贷商CIT深陷泥潭的状况,我们爱莫能助。It hardly helps that one of America’s biggest small-business lenders, CIT, has run aground.

在前台在于洛赫阿尔德峡谷后,船在1878年不幸遇到搁浅的名字命名。In the foreground lies Loch Ard Gorge, named after a ship that tragically ran aground in 1878.

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我不会袖手旁观,眼看公司因为一个女人的一意孤行而触礁。I refuse to stand by and see the company allowed to run aground because of one woman's wilfulness.

船体是平底,当船在浅水中搁浅时可以很容易地等待涨潮。The hull is flat-bottomed, so the boat can easily wait for high tide when run aground in shallow water.

不过,在这一点上我比较乐观,因为这项动议在大众的反对声中同样也会搁浅。At this point, however, I’m optimistic that this initiative will also run aground on popular disapproval.