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我问道印度阿三的味道了。I smell a Hindu troll.

印度教中湿婆的生殖器的象征。The hindu phallic symbol of siva.

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我的住址是公主路二十一号。A reigning Hindu princess or queen.

这是印度教中的希吉拉女神。There is a Hindu goddess, hijra goddess.

在印度有一个著名的印度寺庙。There is one famous Hindu shrine in India.

乔蒂的名字在印度语中是“光”和“生命”的意思。Jyoti's name means "light" and "life" in Hindu.

父亲是锡克教教徒,而母亲则是印度教徒。His father was a Sikh and his mother was a Hindu.

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卡马也是印度教女神的爱的名称。Kama is also the name of the Hindu Goddess of love.

黑暗双星就是印度教的卡莉神。The Dark Twin is the god Kali in the Hindu religion.

印度有关鬼灵存在形式的理论是什么。What is the Hindu theory on the existence of ghosts.

再也没有人嘲笑“印度式的增长速度”了。Nobody jokes about the "Hindu rate of growth" anymore.

印度教民族主义者掩着这报告防谁呢?From whom is the Hindu Nationalists hiding this report?

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它是新加坡最古老和最大的兴都庙。It is the oldest and largest Hindu temple in Singapore.

上图中是喀布尔的轮廓图和兴都库什山脉的雪山。Above, the Kabul skyline and the peaks of the Hindu Kush.

印度式蹲坐对调节和纤细你的腿有重要作用。Hindu squats are great for toning and slimming your legs.

节日活动留下了给印度教湿婆神的供品。Festivalgoers leave offerings for the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.

尽管如此,最近印度那些鼓吹霸权主义的人却已经跑到前台来了。Even so, Hindu hegemonists have recently come to the fore there.

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尼泊尔国家作为世界唯一的印度教国家而显具特色。Nepal has the distinction of being the world"s only Hindu state.

印度教朝圣者在恒河中沐浴,希望洗去自己的罪恶。Hindu pilgrims bathe in the Ganges hoping to wash away their sins.

在印度,印度教民族主义的势力日益强大。Some of the Indian Sufis were greatly influenced by Hindu customs.