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黑人本来就应该服从白人的统治Subordination to the white man is his normal condition.

没有银行从属于实体经济。No subordination of banks to the needs of the real economy.

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服从与沉默,最适合他们的年令与能力。Subordination and silence best became their years and capacity.

是什么性质的从属关系,什么是动态?What is the nature of this subordination and what is its dynamic?

这里,即使到现在,女孩是从属家庭的,总的来说几乎是全部。Here the subordination for a girl is, even now, by and large almost total.

贷款协议中的一项条款,排除本贷款对其它债务的从属性。Clause in loan agreement precluding subordination of the loan to other debt.

者旨在结束一个民族附属于殖民统治的现象。Anti-colonialism aimed at ending the subordination of people to colonial rule.

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反殖民主义者旨在结束一个民族附属于殖民统治的现象。Anti-colonialism aimed at ending the subordination of people to colonial rule.

书面语言需要有对顺序和从属的认识。Written language requires a firm understanding of sequencing and subordination.

在一些国家妇女对丈夫的从属是普遍现象。The subordination of women to the husband is a common phenomenon in some countries.

在勒诺特尔式园林里,采用主从分明、秩序严谨的几何网格。Le Notre's Style Garden adopts the geometric grids with clear subordination and rigorous order.

第四章提出了对我国引进衡平居次原则的立法建议。Chapter Four provides the legislative proposals on introducing the equitable subordination doctrine.

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这种说法是唯一可能的架构是当其从属灵感的景观!This claim is only possible when the architecture is inspired by its subordination to the landscape!

第五章提出了我国引入衡平居次原则的一些思考。Chapter Five provides the legislative proposals on introducing the doctrine of equitable subordination.

服从整体利益---整体利益大于个人和局部利益。Subordination to the general interest---the general good prevails over individual or sectional interests.

汉中国际旅行社直属于汉中市旅游局,是国旅集团成员之一。It's subordination to Hanzhong Tourism Bureau and it is also a member of China International Travel Group.

在此之前,音乐主要是作为教会仪式、庆典活动和宴饮娱乐的附属而存在。Before that music existed as the subordination to church ceremonies, celebrations and banquet entertainment.

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很多时候,如果一部经文支持家庭,都会更直接地指出女人的从属地位。Most of the time when a text is really,really pro-family, they teach the subordination of women more directly.

第三章分析了我国引进衡平居次原则的必要性和可行性。Chapter Three analyses the necessity and feasibility of introducing the equitable subordination doctrine into China.

根据云规则发生器计算云模型的数字特征值和所需数目的云滴,来预测未来商品月销售数量。Cloud regulation generators calculate the subordination degree to describe the variety and digital eigenvalue of each month's sale.