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我已经和他相熟。I am already acquainted with him.

我就是这样和张全认识的。He brought me acquainted with her.

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贝尔熟读了莎士比亚。Bell is acquainted with Shakespeare.

他使儿子熟悉美好的音乐。He acquainted his son with good music.

你同达西先生很熟吗?Are you much acquainted with Mr. Darcy?

我们很快熟络起来。We get acquainted with each other soon.

这一切,你会不会觉得有些熟悉?Don't you feel acquainted with all these?

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我必须已经熟悉她了I have to already be acquainted with her.

当时应已是晚上八点钟了,因为他不认识街道。As he was not acquainted with the streets.

他把我妹妹介绍给他的同班同学。He acquainted his classmate with my sister.

我第一次和亨利认识在一年前。I first got acquainted with Herry a year ago.

她把我丈夫介绍给她的同室伙伴。She acquainted her roommates with my husband.

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他们熟知审计法。They are well acquainted with Audit approach.

我渐渐和新朋友混熟了。I gradually got acquainted with my new friend.

我不了解这案件的实际情况。I'm not acquainted with the facts of the case.

我第一次跟Herry认识是在一年前。I first got acquainted with Herry for a year ago.

所以我也认识Mattson博士。So I personally am acquainted with Doctor Mattson.

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我认识李友,她也是我的朋友。I am acquainted with Li You, she is my friend also.

他把我的弟弟介绍给他的同班同学。He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother.

我认识那个人。I know that person. I'm acquainted with that person.