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普通的电烫就行。An ordinary perm will do.

不仅仅是一个普通人。Not just an ordinary man.

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是航空信还是平信?Air mail or ordinary mail?

是航空信还是一般信件?Bir mail or ordinary mail?

我只是一棵平常的树木。I am just an ordinary tree.

那是一件平常事。That is an ordinary affair.

我只是一个普通的二人转演员。I am just an ordinary actor.

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皒只是个平凡旳亼。I am only an ordinary person.

我只是个平头百姓。I'm just an ordinary citizen.

铁在普通的水中会生锈。Iron rusts in ordinary water.

可使用普通电焊条。Can use an ordinary electrode.

一普通和大之的母亲。A ordinary and largeness mother.

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我的父亲是一个普通的农民。My father is an ordinary farmer.

一般价还是隔夜拍发价,先生?Ordinary or overnight rate, Sir?

那是极平常的一件事。That is quite an ordinary event.

我相普通电烫就行了。I think an ordinary perm will do.

他能把极平常之事说得十分动听。He can sweeten the ordinary things.

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那么,为什么普通投资者还在投注呢?So why do ordinary investors do it?

这是两所普通的房子。These are just two ordinary houses.

他是一个不同凡响的人物。He was a person out of the ordinary.