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是基础还是门面?A foundation or just a facade?

如何取得基金会资助。How to get foundation funding.

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更为糖酒会奠定了基础。More rum will lay the foundation.

你知道,这是很好的基础。You know, it's a great foundation.

你的液体粉底霜变稠了吗?Your liquid foundation thickening?

为未来发展打下基础。Lay the foundation for future growth.

那么这种根基的作用是什么呢?So what is this foundation all about?

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这一主张的依据是什么?What is the foundation of your claim?

遗忘之始,城市之基。Oblivion, the foundation of this city.

和嘉士伯奖金。and a Carlsberg Foundation Fellowship.

这玫瑰色粉底是多少钱?How much does this rose foundation cost?

事实上,这个谣传没有根据。In fact the rumor is without foundation.

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所以建房子的人就采用松木作为地基。So they used pinewood as the foundation.

这是个很好的开始。So, it's a really nice solid foundation.

那个女孩一直在哭。The girl kept crying norming foundation.

而水则是由我们基金会所提供。The water is provided by our Foundation.

根据凯泽家族基金会的统计According to the Kaiser Family Foundation

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它们构成这门课的基础。They formed the foundation of the course.

这是问责制的基础。This is the foundation of accountability.

向“小红车”基金会捐款Donate to the Little Red Wagon Foundation.