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我来自偶然。I come from fortuity.

这是由于事故或意外造成的。It was due to an accident or fortuity.

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依据偶然性原则,该事件必须是不确定的。Subject to the "fortuity principle", the event must be uncertain.

有时达尔文的发现多是出于偶然而非预见性的。Sometimes Darwin's discoveries owed more to fortuity than forethought.

所有的输和赢都是人生经历的偶然和必然。The · loses ally and win is all fortuity that the life experience with inevitable.

艺术创造的技巧表现为一个动态过程,充满偶然性和个性化特征。The skill of literary art creation is a process of treads and full of characters of fortuity and personality.

一个是通过降低劳动者的生产力,他们得了肺癌或者其他烟草相关疾病。One is through for reduced productivity fortuity among workers who to get lung cancer or other tobacco-related diseases.

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普洱茶的得来是一个美丽的错误,是一种历史机缘,又是一种必然中的偶然。It is a beautiful mistake, a kind of historic opportunity and a kind of necessity of fortuity as well that Pu'er Tea got its name.

这种悲剧性表现为人类以有限的生命去超越无限,以个体生命的偶然去同死亡的必然性去抗争,并始终坚持不懈。It's showed that human beings transcend the infinite with their limited life, and go against the inevitability of death with the fortuity of their personal life.

纯属个体生命于茫茫空间中,不断流逝的时间中,所遭遇的偶然彰显出清晰的精神价值之维,召唤我上路。Belong to the individual life purely in in the boundless space, pass continuously in time, the fortuity suffer shows the of a clear spirit value, invoke I start on.